We at the Insider like to scan Craigslist's Missed Connections looking for that one guy that honked at us while we were jogging the best posts from Concord. Here they are, presented just as we found them online.
The Girl at the Gym – m4w – 47
Gorgeous is all to say.
Sound advice. . . – w4m – 27
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain Think it over. I'm willing to wait, if it takes the rest of my life. . . I want this life with you.
Hewhopaysbills at the corner postbox – w4m – 48
telepathy got you this far please check your private
A.B. Penacook – m4w – 30
Your First name is Amanda you live in Penacook, I just talked to you in my office, you're smile is great and you smell amazing, you”re beautiful. wish i could see more of you.
rockys hardware cashier – m4w
You have incredible eyes and a beautiful smile. Are you single?
Dunkins on S. Main – w4m – 31
You came in around noon. You had gauged ears, red sox cap, nikes, jeans & hoodie on. You were with a cpl other people (man & woman) and you left in a maroon truck. If by any chance you noticed me checking you out, email me if you remember anything about me. If not, then idk. :p
99 demante dr. – m4w – 21
To the beautiful girl sitting with the loser with those stupid holes in his ears. I think you are amazing we locked eyes a couple times I was with my family at the table across from you, I could tell that he was certainly not your kind, I would rock your world. Reply back with what you were drinking so I know it's you.
Penny – m4w
Was disappointed to notice the ring on your finger today:(
Poker Playing Vet from Concord – m4w – 37
Last month I met a very beautiful vet playing poker at Foxwoods. We were at the same table for a bit. You were just back from the Mideast and now stationed at Concord. You were on leave at the time. I hope you or someone you know sees this and you contact me.
Panda – m4w
Thanks Panda bear for taking my mind off some heavy family stuff for awhile. You were the best even though you couldn't make my drink! Hope I cross paths with you again someday. . . . . . S.
Parking garage Concord this AM – m4w – 45
We pulled into the parking garage on No State ST at the same time this AM. You parked next to me, gave me a nice smile, then went off to your work out. I wish I wasn't stuck on the phone or I would have told you that your car was parked crooked. LOL Want to chat ?
man at Irving w/dog Lily in rear seat – w4m
We spoke while you were driving out and I was waiting in my car at a gas pump. You were in a dark green, older honda/toyata maybe 4 door and your dog (who I thought was Allie) was in your back seat. You must've thought I was a real headcase. I truly thought you were someone I hadn't seen in quite some time. I don't know you. When I said I'd tried to call you, it wasn't you at all I tried to call. When you asked my address, I thought I was speaking to an old friend. I won't ask you to come over for a “drink” because I believed I was talking to someone else. Please don't drop by because I don't know you. Thank you.