The Concord Police Department was kind enough to give us access to some recently unearthed police logbooks. We think it's a fascinating look into the way life used to be in Concord, so we've pulled out some interesting entries for you. Check it out!
May 27, 1935: Dee Burbank of Elm St. 17 years old. Holding his bicycle for a day or two until he learns to ride it the way it should be rode and cut out the fancy stuff. Very nearly had two accidents tonight.
Feb. 11, 1927: Mrs. McKenna, River Hill, telephoned here saying there was a man hanging around her house and that he just went down the road. Went up and found out that he was a telephone man. – Office Dooley.
March 24, 1927: Had a complaint from Mrs. Hardy about her husband going out with another woman. Had all parties concerned here in the station and fixed everything all O.K.
May 21, 1936: If the man in Cell 12 is fed or given any water, destroy the utensils, as he is a very bad syphilitic case.
June 11, 1936: Gang of fellows at Rollins Park on stone wall singing and keeping people around there awake, Mrs. McAllister says they congregate there every night.
Aug. 13, 1927: Two Italians wanted in Keene, N.H. For theft of jewelry. The man has on salt and pepper suit, sailor straw hat. Is 5'4″, tall slim build and 25 years old. The woman is 24 years of age, 5'6″ tall and has on coat with monkey fur collar and patent leather shoes. If found in any hotel or lodging house, notify Concord Station.
March 6, 1933: Called to West Canal St. to quiet a kitchen racket.
Aug. 30, 1933: Two men escaped from County Farm. One named Hanson, the other named Brody. Both have on blue shirts and overalls. Hanson wears glasses, but hasn't got them on. His eyes are squinty. He may go to see his mother who lives up in the Borough.
March 5, 1935: Bennie Keefe is shut off from having beer in all places in Penacook.
April 30, 1935: Peter Bisquet of Suncook. Drunk at 3 a.m. He came in and wanted to be locked up. Said he wanted to keep out of trouble.
May 19, 1936: Took a dead cat to the dump.
June 14, 1936: Do not open the ladies rest room tomorrow until it is fixed.
July 10, 1936: People are using lawn west side of French Church, where it is dark, for a toilet, shoot light in there as car goes by.
Feb. 21, 1943: Frank Papineau of Summer Street complains of his wife not sleeping with him and says she is going to get out and take the furniture with her while he is at work. Told him to go see a lawyer.
May 13, 1945: Call from Elm Street up two miles that a man was crazy drunk. Went to call on Elm Street. Man was pretty drunk but neighbor was staying with him all night.
June 9, 1945: Capt. Called and stated that the Dance Crowd on Sat. nites are causing a nuisance in the alley rear of the hall. Take care of it.
Oct. 7, 1927: Run away from home in Claremont looking for work in Concord or Penacook. Doris Barton, 15 years old, 117 lbs. Blue dress ribbon on hair to match dress, plaid coat. Clara Barton, 14 years old, looks 18 or 19. Bright red dress, ribbon on hair to match dress, no sleeves. Not known whether she had on coat or not.
Oct. 13, 1933: Red headed man on River Hill Rd. ducked into woods.
March 18, 1934: Escaped from the State Hospital, Clyde Somley of Wolfeboro, N.H. Very bushy hair. Had on a buckskin jacket with a girl painted on the back. Black leather shoes.
June 10, 1936: Mrs. Crowley, 47 Beacon St., reports 4 hard looking fellows hanging around garage, but gone now. Mrs. Crowley nervous living alone.
July 6, 1936: Runaway girls, Irene Dustin, 5' 14 yrs, very chunky, red bobbed hair, brown slacks, Ruth Orcutt, 16, slim, blond bobbed hair, thinks they are with the Pine Tree Carnival. (Found).
May 28, 1942: Mrs. Cook of Abbot Rd complains of a tramp dog at her home.
March 14, 1943: Runaway pig on Rolfe St. belonged to Jean Visneau. Corner Merrimack and Rolfe. “Some ham.”
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