On Dec. 3 at 7 p.m., Concord High School’s S.O.C.K (Save Our Cold Kids) Club is inviting the Greater Concord community to its second annual Comedy Night. Tickets are $5 to see professional comedian Jim Colliton – among other student and teacher acts – and all proceeds go to Concord High School’s annual canned food drive.
“I figured if high school kids felt it was a good cause to help the homeless, I felt I could help out also,” said Colliton, a Boston area comedian with “three healthy kids” of his own.
And a good cause it is, according to S.O.C.K member Lucy Ellis.
“Last year at Concord High, through non-perishable food donations and cash donations we raised the equivalent of 10,000 cans.”
And their ambitions are higher this year, hoping to raise 15,000 cans through the month of December, to donate to the Capital Region Food Program.
“The Capital Region Food Program has been operating the Holiday Food Basket Program for 41 years” Says Kristina Peare, faculty leader at CHS. “All monetary donations go to purchasing food that stays in our community. All food donated goes right to families in Concord and Penacook. It is a 100 percent volunteer run and operated agency, with no overhead coming out of any donation made to the program . . . As little as 10 years ago, the (food basket program) was making up boxes for about 1,000 families. This year we will support almost 2,700 families.”
Direct donations to the canned food drive can be sent to CHS by check, made out to Kristina Peare. Make sure to support the 24 percent of children living in food insecurity in Merrimack County by heading to the CHS Comedy Night. And you won’t regret it, according to CHS allumn Adi Gandhi.
“Jim Colliton had people laughing days after the show,” Gandhi said.