Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell enrolls his city memo in swimming lessons so it can work on its beach body for the upcoming summer. It must be working, too, because check out the bod on this thing!
When roads collide
Intersection gets facelift
Work began yesterday on the new configuration of the Washington Street/Borough Road/River Road intersection, Aspell writes. If they followed our proposal, all three streets will now intersect much earlier in life, therefore creating more lasting connections.
This low-cost intersection realignment plan is a collaborative effort of the city’s Community Development and General Services Departments, and the Traffic Operations Committee.
The Borough Road approach to the intersection will be fully relocated to a right angle, stop-controlled intersection with Washington Street. Washington Street to River Road will remain the “through” street. Removed will be the high-speed, non-stopping movement from River Road to Borough Road. Oh man, high-speed, non-stopping movement is our favorite kind of movement.
This improvement reduces the speed of turning traffic, improves the sight line for Borough Road westbound traffic at the stop line and substantially reduces the unnecessarily large size of the paved intersection area, which will enhance safety for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. And juggling unicyclists. They’re always overlooked.
Temporary barricades and drums were placed Monday morning to close off the pavement area that is to be discontinued. Informational message signs will also be temporarily located at the approaches to the intersection. Actual pavement removal, re-vegetation and installation of permanent signs will be completed by the end of May.
Make like a tree
And get planted
The city of Concord celebrated Arbor Day at the Thompson Park Play Lot on April 24, Aspell writes. The Planning Division and the General Services Department co-hosted a ceremony – and we all know how legendary their joint parties are! – to give back to the Concord community by planting two trees. A Cherry tree and a Red Maple tree were donated by Modern Woodmen of America and were planted by the city’s tree crew with help from local school children. Mayor Bouley was in attendance to help commemorate the importance of Arbor Day, and to smile for pictures. Visit Concord General Services’ Facebook page for pictures of the ceremony.