Licata talks turkeys, the outdoors and grabbing a quick snack

Chris Licata was recently named N.H. Small Business Person of the Year and that’s even after the failed chicken and waffle meal idea.
Chris Licata was recently named N.H. Small Business Person of the Year and that’s even after the failed chicken and waffle meal idea.

Name: Chris Licata

Occupation: President of Blake’s All Natural Foods

What does it mean to be named N.H. Small Business Person of the Year?

I’m honored and humbled. New Hampshire’s a state that is overwhelmed in a very positive way by small businesses and I can’t really even put into words how honored I am because there’s so many amazing businesses in New Hampshire. It means a lot. It means a great deal to me.

Does this award reaffirm your decision to take over Blake’s?

I never left what I was doing to come here for any recognition. It’s nice to know people appreciate what we do here at Blake’s and I think this is more about a company that’s trying to do the right thing and effect people’s lives positively through food. I think it’s more about that than it is about me and I would also say that anytime somebody wins an award it’s always as much about the people around them then it is the person whose receiving the award so as much as I’ve been named small business person of they year, none of it would be possible without the people that I have around me. It’s as much a team award as it is an award for me.

Did you get a cool plaque or trophy? And if so, where will you put it?

I got (a glass award) last week at the great event that the SBA put on in Washington D.C. where I was joined by a total of 53 (winners). . . We all got one of those and they did a really nice job. I think we’re just going to leave it in the conference room for now.

Are you hoping your daughters will win the junior category for their summer lunch box stand?

It would be great. We have the New Hampshire SBA awards (this) week and Blake and Lucy were asked to have a little display because the great thing about the SBA is they celebrate young entrepreneurs and they have a section with young entrepreneurs that can showcase what they do so Blake and Lucy will be there. It’s great that they can see the success of a functioning, highly connected family business and they’re the fifth generation of it.

Any plans to expand the Blake’s product line? Maybe add some tasty desserts that we could sample while we’re here?

We are always looking for line extensions that fit within our brand promise, so we’re constantly exploring categories, looking at data for different categories, but also trying to find things that fit within our brand. And so whether it’s desserts or generally meals that are served at different times of the day, or whether they’re not frozen which is what we make right now, we’re always interested in that. And as we grow the expectation is that we can occupy more shelf space and provide more solutions for more consumers that are looking for food they wish they could make if they only had the time.

Has there been any discussion about bringing back the turkey farm? Or at least one turkey as the official Blake’s mascot?

Not for one minute has there been that discussion. I think Charlie (Blake) would not sign off on that.

What’s your favorite meal made by Blake’s?

Probably my favorite meal is one of our newest meals, which is our chicken dinner casserole. It’s all the things you’d assemble for a chicken dinner but served in a bowl, so it’s got all the yummy stuff.

What’s the weirdest meal suggestion you’ve ever received? Or an item you tried that failed to reach the regular rotation?

The funniest meal and I’ll have to take responsibility for it was a take off on the classic southern dish, chicken and waffles. I was having dinner a few years ago at a really well known restaurant in New York City and they did their own version of chicken and waffles, but nothing like what we were going to do. So I came back obsessed with trying to find a way to bring a New Hampshire flair to this classic southern dish, so we created a meal called upside down chicken and waffle pie with sweet maple mashed potatoes. It was just sort of a crazy concoction that just tasted amazing where you’d put it in the oven and it had a waffle on top of potatoes and gravy and chicken and stuff. When you took it out, you’d flip it upside down so the waffle would be on the bottom and it was delicious and everybody that’s had it loves it, but it was an unconventional enough meal that we didn’t have as much success with it as I would have liked.

Now be honest: do you ever go into the production center and grab a fresh bowl of mac and cheese for lunch?

Absolutely. We all do.

If you weren’t running Blake’s, what would you be doing?

That’s an interesting question. The things that I’m passionate about are anything involving business and brand strategy. My past life had a lot to do with brand strategy and guiding businesses to either reinvent themselves or clarify their brand positioning. So I’d say something along the lines of running a small business or mid-size business where I could have that effect. And honestly I love coaching and I coach youth sports currently and have coached at other levels, high school levels, almost at a full-time basis in the past and I love the idea of working with kids and trying to be a positive influence and get kids excited about being outside. So I’d love to see a future or a second life where I could do that.

Guilty pleasure?

I get really cranky if I don’t do something every day, whether it’s surfing or riding my bike or anything, swimming or skiing or hiking in the winter with my AT gear, so I don’t know if that qualifies as a guilty pleasure, but my personality definitely changes if I can’t get outside and do something healthy.

Hidden talent?

One thing about me that maybe isn’t so much of a talent, but people probably don’t know is that I’m an ordained reverend and had conducted several weddings or ceremonies. I don’t know if it’s a talent or not, but it’s something I was asked to do for two very close friends and most people wouldn’t probably guess looking at me that I’ve done that.

Author: Tim Goodwin

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