Tony Sayess’s family tree includes Katy Perry and English royalty

We say yes to the dapper style evident in this Tony Sayess photo.
We say yes to the dapper style evident in this Tony Sayess photo.

Each month, the Concord Young Professionals Network spotlights one of its up-and-comers. This month, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Tony Sayess.

Where do you work? The law firm of Rath, Young & Pignatelli, P.C.

Where did you go to school? UNH for undergrad, University of Virginia for Law School, and NYU for a specialized master’s degree in tax law.

What do you like to do for fun? Pub trivia.

Favorite places to be? Passport control, about to enter a country I’ve never been to before.

Last book you’ve read? A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan.

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefitted your business or you personally? It has probably been five years since I found out about CYPN and have no recollection of how I learned about it, but it has been a great way to meet new people while also reconnecting with professional contacts.

What organizations are you involved with? New Hampshire Audubon (trustee) and the Friends Program (volunteer youth mentor).

Most inspirational person in your life: Changes daily.

Greatest role model? It sounds cliché, but my dad. However, I got him an iPad for Christmas and he has subsequently starting playing Candy Crush, so I am seriously reconsidering this.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? Currently the 99 because my team is on a nice trivia winning streak there. Plus I like their frozen margaritas.

What’s your favorite place to go in Concord? The library.

Favorite movie of all time? Casablanca.

What is one of your life goals? Travel around the world in one trip.

What has been your favorite CYPN event so far? They are all equally fantastic, IMHO.

Favorite famous person? Charles Darwin

If you could visit any country, where would you go? New Zealand.

Where is the best place you’ve visited? Costa Rica.

Who would you really like to meet? The person who came up with these questions.

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself: I have been to all 50 states; I am related by blood to King Alfred the Great of England, and through some twists and turns that do not involve blood, to Katy Perry; I once unknowingly was acquaintances with a foreign spy; I was once kicked off a train in Slovenia; I can talk to barred owls.

The Concord Young Professionals Network  is a professional and personal development initiative created by the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce just over five years ago. Free events are held on the third Wednesday of every month at various Concord venues, where hundreds of young professionals of all ages can interact socially, build a network of contacts, exchange ideas and have fun. To receive notices of upcoming events, please visit or visit

Author: tgoodwin

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