The Concord Police bike patrol unit will be conducting its annual police bike refresher training April 30 at 8 a.m. at the Concord Police Department. This is the annual tune-up for the officers assigned to the bike patrol unit before being deployed for the season.
The department started its bike patrol unit in 1996 with five patrol officers. Since that time the unit has swelled to 12 officers. In the last 17 years, the unit has undergone some significant changes by way of uniform appearance, staffing, equipment and deployment. Even with all this change, grounding in the ideals of community policing has remained constant for the bike patrol unit.
The CPD bike unit has been utilized during foot races, parades, civic demonstrations, community events, traffic enforcement objectives and neighborhood crime prevention initiatives.
Bike officers receive specialized bicycle patrol training and receive clear direction with regard to departmental and community expectations. These expectations include community policing projects and targeted enforcement objectives.
In 2012, under the direction of police Chief John Duval, the emphasis was to improve the overall functionality of the bike patrol unit by maintaining awareness of community needs by being active advocates of community policing and bike safety.
During the summer of 2012, the Concord Police received a number of complaints from citizens in the south end regarding varied criminal activity occurring in their neighborhoods. The CPD bike unit was deployed using enhanced enforcement initiatives in the affected areas. These deployments proved to be effective enforcement tools which led to the immediate arrest of offenders. These deployments had a direct impact on the deterrence of criminal activity in those areas and positive feedback from citizens.
Through community policing initiatives, the department has collaborated with the Central New Hampshire Bicycling Coalition in efforts to increase awareness in bicycle safety, education and training. This bicycling season the CNHBC and CPD will be providing literature about bike safety to the community. In addition to taking enforcing action this season, the CPD bike patrol unit will be looking to identify and reward safe bicycle operators doing things right. If you are observed adhering to the rules of safe bicycle operation, you may receive a gift certificate for refreshment(s) to a local establishment from the CPD and CNHBC. This is just one way of rewarding and promoting good bicycle safety behavior.
The city of Concord was granted the bronze star for being a bicycle friendly community in 2010 by the League of American Bicyclists. Having law enforcement involved in the community’s bicycling programs, along with enforcement efforts is one of the five judgment criteria in being considered for this award. We look forward to continuing this tradition. Please have a safe and fun-filled bicycling season.