Meet Jason Dennis: lawyer, coach, author and semi-pro car jumper

Jason Dennis is so good at soccer that he can sit down and write a novel while he’s in goal! Take that, (insert name of famous goalie)!
Jason Dennis is so good at soccer that he can sit down and write a novel while he’s in goal! Take that, (insert name of famous goalie)!

Our latest young professional of the week is Jason Dennis. Read all about him!

How old are you? 32 in July.

Where do you live? Concord.

Where do you work? I am officially opening my own law practice, AequitasLaw, in June. I am the Concord High School girls’ freshman soccer head coach starting in the 2013 season and I am an aspiring part-time novelist. My first novel, Vivian’s Window, was recently published and is available online at, and

Where did you go to school? I went to Roanoke College in Salem, Va., for undergrad and to Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Ind., for law school.

What do you like to do for fun? Movies, music, watching sports, playing soccer and softball, rock climbing. If my novel does well, I’d love to travel more – although I am very lucky to have been to all the places I have been so far.

Favorite places to be? Chicago, Milwaukee for Summerfest, Europe, on a soccer field, in an orchard, al fresco dining, anywhere with my girlfriend (except maybe not on a ridiculously long and difficult hike in the mud and snow).

Last book you’ve read? I frequent the Concord Library new fiction section. The last book I read was A Killer in the Wind by Andrew Klavan.

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefitted your business or you personally? I actually don’t remember how I first heard about it, probably somewhere online. It has benefitted me by affording me the opportunity to meet and interact with lots of other young professional in the Concord area. It is both a social and professional benefit that has helped me to make Concord my home.

What other organizations are you involved with? The New Hampshire Bar Association, New Lawyers’ Committee, New Hampshire Association for Justice.

Most inspirational person in your life: To be honest, I can’t think of one specific person who inspires me more than any another person. There are inspiring people everywhere. Anybody who works hard to succeed or to overcome what others may perceive as a disability, anybody who goes the extra mile just to be nice, and anybody who ever puts their own wellbeing at risk to help others in need serves as inspiration to me.

Greatest role model? This might be another cop-out answer, but I guess I just try to learn from everybody. Nobody is perfect, but if I can incorporate certain traits or skills, etc. from the people I see or interact with on a daily basis into my own unique style of practicing law, coaching, writing, etc., then I can endeavor to be the best I can be at whatever it is I set out to do.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? Uno’s to hang out, B-dubs if the game I want to watch isn’t on TV, Red Blazer to eat, Chez Moi (I’m a pretty good cook).

What’s your favorite place to go in Concord? White Park, Carter Hill Orchard, home.

Favorite movie of all time?

All time is a long time. Maybe Run Lola Run. Maybe Braveheart.

What is one of your life goals? One was to write a novel. I would also like to teach trial advocacy at the law school level.

What has been your favorite CYPN event so far? Of course I’m biased but I’m partial to softball, especially the games vs. the women’s prison. I also think the joint CYPN Chamber events are a great networking opportunity. 

Favorite famous person? Can I say Katy Perry? Seriously though, I’m not sure. Maybe Peyton Manning, now that he is the Denver Broncos’ quarterback, but I haven’t met any famous people yet, so I can’t really say.

If you could visit any country, where would you go? At this point I would like to take an Austria-Switzerland (and maybe southern Germany) trip.

Where is the best place you’ve visited? Not an easy choice, but probably Italy, specifically Naples and the Amalfi Coast.

Who would you really like to meet? I guess this is really self-serving, but somebody who wants to option my novel into movie. Or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, maybe the Dalai Lama. 

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself: In high school, I could jump over the hood of a compact car. I like to cook, and would like to open a breakfast joint somewhere in Concord. Or maybe a pizza place. My maternal grandmother was a half Irish, half Italian, Scottish citizen. I think I inherited some of that fiery personality. Speaking of Scotland, I once scaled a small castle wall in Scotland.

The Concord Young Professionals Network is a professional and personal development initiative created  by the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce five years ago. Free events are held on the third Wednesday of every month  at various Concord venues, where hundreds of young professionals of all ages can interact socially, build a network of contacts, exchange ideas and have fun. For more info, visit

Author: Ben Conant

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