City briefly

New project
A community center face lift
City Manager Tom Aspell announced in his weekly memo that the city has selected a consulting team for the community center project. The team will be led by H.L. Turner Group of Concord and includes Ballard/King Associates of Highlands Ranch, Colo.; Barker Rinker Seacat of Denver, Colo.; and BLW Engineers of Andover, Mass.

The team will assess the city’s four community centers and the feasibility of renovating or expanding the buildings. Building plans will be developed for the existing structures, as well as a city-wide center that could replace all or part of the current community center system.
Tom writes that the total contract for the project is $91,000, “of which $70,000 is funded by impact fees paid by developers on new dwellings built within Concord over the past few years.” The project will begin in the next few weeks and finish up in six to nine months. Community forums will be scheduled when the project schedule is finalized, writes Tom.

The fire department could use your help
The Concord Fire Department is looking for volunteers to participate in a Community Emergency Response Team course. The 20-hour course teaches the basics of disaster preparedness, first aid, light search and rescue, and fire extinguisher use, writes Tom. “The course was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to teach citizens what to do when a disaster strikes.” For more information, contact Fire Chief Dan Andrus at

Brochure time
Schedule for Rec
The Recreation Department issued the winter/spring brochure to local schools last week. Copies are available at the Recreation Office, City Hall, the library, Green Street Community Center and the West Street Ward House. Download a copy of the brochure at

Author: kmackenzie

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