What Concord street are you?

It’s the end of January and the streets are lined with sand-covered snow, there’s slush everywhere and you’re wondering if you’re ever going to see green again. Ah, winter in New Hampshire – how we love thee.

We can’t do much about the winter doldrums, but we can provide you with 10 minutes of entertainment by offering our first-ever personality quiz.

Answer the questions below to discover what Concord street you most resemble. It’s pretty simple – just count the number of “A,” “B,” “C” and “D” answers. Whatever letter you had the most of is your personality match.

Let us know how you did by e-mailing news@theconcordinsider.com. Was the result way off or right on? What want to know.

If you were planning a vacation, you would book a stay at:
A. A hotel that’s fair priced and has a pool
B. Luxury hotel
C. A quaint bed and breakfast
D. Forget hotels; I’d rent an R.V.

My idea of a good time on a Friday night is:
A. Eating dinner at T.G.I. Fridays and renting the
latest blockbuster
B. Getting in touch with my cultural side
C. Forget going out. I'm staying home to read
a good book.
D. Meeting friends for drinks at a local hangout

Which of the following animals do you identify with most?
A. Golden Retriever
B. Unicorn
C. Tabby cat
D. Wolf

In my group of friends, I’m the _________ one
A. Well-rounded
B. Outgoing
C. Reliable
D. Crazy

If I had a theme song, it would be:
A. “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga
B. Pfft. Like I would confine myself to one song.
C. “Small Town” by John Mellencamp
D. “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf

What car could you see yourself driving?
B. MINI Cooper
C. A pickup truck
D. A classic car I rebuilt myself

My favorite indulgence is:
A. An ice cream cone as big as my head
B. A really good piece of chocolate
C. Homemade brownies
D. A large roast beef sub

In my spare time, I like to:
A. Shop
B. Go for a leisurely stroll, maybe do some
people watching
C. Do crossword puzzles in pen
D. Test drive new cars

What's your caffeinated beverage of choice?
A. Fountain soda
B. Espresso
C. Regular coffee
D. Red Bull

My ideal partner would have the following quality:
A. I don't care – I just want them to like me
B. Good looking
C. Someone you can take home to Mom
D. Likes an adventure

Tally the total number of A, B, C and D answers. The highest total indicates your street! Read on:

Mostly A’s:
Loudon Road
You are an all-around cool person who likes to keep up with the trends, but doesn’t want to break the bank doing so. You appreciate a bargain because you’re saving up for something big.

Mostly B’s: Main Street
You appreciate the finer things in life – a nice glass of wine, exquisite art. You dance to the beat of your drum, and people admire you for doing so.

Mostly C’s:
Village Street, Penacook
You love your small-town lifestyle and wouldn’t want it any other way. Who needs an IKEA in their backyard? You like mom-and-pop shops and spending time with friends and family at home.

Mostly D’s:
Manchester Street
You are a wild child. Adventure is your middle name. You’re always trying something different and are never bored. You also really like car dealerships.

Author: kmackenzie

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