Clearing up a red light debate

The recent lane changes on North Main Street at the intersection of Interstate 393 raised some questions for one Concord driver. The change concerns the middle lane, which used to allow motorists to travel in several directions – right to go on 393, straight to head toward the Kimball-Jenkins Estate or a slight left to head up Bouton Street. Now that center lane is for right turns only. Motorists can make right turns on red from the far right lane, but, as our reader asks, can they do it from the middle lane?

Convinced that you should be able to make a right turn from the middle lane – after coming to a complete stop, of course – our driver (who wishes to remain anonymous) attached the RSA on traffic signs, signals and markings. If you like legalese, then you'll love reading RSAs. Visit to get your daily dose of law-abiding love. For the rest of us, suffice it to say that the rule doesn't discuss middle lanes. It merely states that unless otherwise posted, vehicles may make a right on red after coming to a complete stop if there are no pedestrians or oncoming traffic.

This didn't work out so well for Carol Silva, who wrote a letter to the editor that appeared in the Monitor a while back about her ill-fated turn from the middle lane from this intersection. She was pulled over, and after explaining that she sees people making that right turn on red all of the time, was told that such a turn was only permitted on a green light. Carol didn't get a ticket but was upset that there wasn't a sign posted to indicate the rule. Comments on the Monitor website were not particularly kind – some said it should be obvious you can't make a right on red unless you're all the way over to the right.

To get to the bottom of this, we spoke with Deputy Chief John Duval. Let's just say that it's your lucky day, Carol and anonymous Concord driver. Duval confirmed that you can make a right turn on red from the center turning lane – he even double checked with the city prosecutor and they are in perfect agreement.

Carol, allow us to take this moment to say “I told you so!” on your behalf.

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Author: kmackenzie

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