Say good-bye to one Insider and hello to another

Today marks the end of an era for the Insider. An era that will, henceforth, be known as “Katie Time.” She's been working with us since the Insider was born, first part-time as our trusty calendar editor, then full-time when we realized we couldn't live without her.

She paid her dues as a reporter at first, doing all the grunt work we could throw at her yet still finding time to bake cookies for us weekly (the woman does amazing things with peanut butter cups). That MAY have helped to lead us to our decision to name her editor after The Great Staff Shake-up of 2008 (we're over you, Travis, okay?).

As editor, Katie ushered the Insider into a new era of good design, fast-food issues, general organizational bliss and photos of cute animals. We like to think that as she and the city of Concord became one, both sides got the best of the deal: The city was reminded each week to keep its chin up and fed regularly at Insider food tastings, and Katie . . . well, Katie realized that even though Concord didn't have a Chipotle, it was still the best city on earth. No question.

So when Katie had an opportunity to work MUCH closer to home, we thought, a little too cockily, “No way – how could she give all this up??!?!” But it turned out that the odds were stacked a little too high against us, and we suspect that Katie's new coworkers offered to bake for her, which may have sealed the deal.

To deal with our sorrow over Katie's departure, we tried all the usual things: Gorging on ice cream sundaes at Arnies, driving around to Katie's favorite Concord haunts, listening to break up songs, sucking down soft serve from Summer Freeze, wandering the banks of the Merrimack screaming, “why must you leave us, why?!” Then we ate some more ice cream (Ballard's, this time), crumpled to our cubicle floor and cried.

And then word came down from on high (and by “on high” we mean the corner office with all the windows) that we would get a new leader, an awesome leader, a leader who would guide us out of these dark, post-Katie days and into what shall be called the “Age of Amy.”

Starting tomorrow, former Monitor reporter Amy Augustine will be the editor of the Insider. Amy is a lot of things – funny, nice, a snappy dresser – but mostly, she's a local lady. She graduated from Hopkinton High School in 2003 and moved on to Keene State College, where she was opinions editor at her college newspaper, The Equinox, and earned a Bachelor's degree in journalism.

Amy came to the Monitor in December 2007 as an editing intern and began reporting the following summer.

At first, we imagined forcing these two editors to compete in an epic battle. There would be tests of strength, agility and mental prowess. But the Cruel Oppressor says this issue has to get out on time, so we asked Katie and Amy some questions instead.

Katie MacKenzie

What will you miss most about Concord?

Not to get all emotional or anything, but I'm really going to miss the people I've met. Concord has a lot of cool people doing great things. I'm glad the Insider is around to show them off!

Coffee or tea?

Lately, iced tea – unsweetened with two Splenda.

What was the coolest thing you did as editor of the Insider?

It's hard to choose just one thing! I've organized my share of food and product testings (pie, barbecue sauce, lip balm) and that was always fun. But the coolest thing? I guess I'll go with our “grumpy” issue. We printed an entire spread of cheery photos including a pile of sprinkles, teddy bears in bathrobes and a pink cupcake. That was last winter – we noticed that Concordites were suffering from a permanent case of the Mondays and hoped our spread would be the cure. The issue is still pinned on the cubicle bulletin board.

Any advice for Amy?

Be nice to Sherri and Cassie. Especially Sherri since she pays the bills.

Push ups or sit ups?

Neither! Walks are enough to suppress most of my food guilt.

How do you really feel about the Cruel Oppressor? (Be honest. You're leaving.)

I learned pretty much everything I know about being a reporter and editor from the Cruel Oppressor, and when she's not busy pinching pennies, she's my biggest cheerleader. For the record, I'm not just saying that so she'll continue to be a good reference.

Any parting thoughts?

Just a huge thank you to the people of Concord for supporting the Insider. This has been such a fun job and as I said earlier, I'm continually amazed by the hard-working, creative and giving people in town. So, thanks for being so nice and letting me write about you and your city.

Amy Augustine
If you were a Concord neighborhood, which one would you be and why?

Let's go with the South End. It's gritty, authentic, likes to take chances and has a lot of heart.

What's the best thing about Concord?

Its beautiful downtown and abundant potential. And the view from the Oak Hill fire tower.

Coffee or tea?

Tea. Blood orange or blueberry.

What are you looking forward to most in your new job?

Rediscovering the cool side of Concord. I have lots of fresh ideas to bring to the Insider and welcome input from every angle.

Push ups or sit ups?

Neither. I prefer doing curls with a nice glass of red wine in one hand and crackers with cheese in the other.

What do you do for fun?

I like to cook with my boyfriend, hike, explore, garden, sleep late and torment my Siamese cat, Bitty. Soon I will have a puppy to torment, too.

How do you feel about the Cruel Oppressor? (Careful. She's watching.)

She rules with an iron fist, but I wouldn't be oppressed by anyone else.

How can readers contact you?

Email ( or phone (direct line is 369-3378). Don't be afraid to use it!

Author: The Concord Insider

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