Twenty-one-year-old Ruven Dhungana of Bhutan arrived here last year with his immediate family. We asked him a few questions about his homeland and what it’s like to live in Concord.
Where were you born?
Bhutan, raised in a refugee camp in Nepal.
What was life like in Nepal?
It was difficult. My parents were farmers, so they grew the food that we ate. I went to school, but it was a hard environment to learn in.
What was your first impression of America?
The people here are very nice to me. I really enjoy the schools here. The teachers work hard to help every student learn. I recently finished getting my diploma at Concord High School.
Next, I will attend classes at NHTI. Someday I would like to earn my degree in nursing and work at the hospital.
What do you like most about living here now?
It is nice here in New Hampshire. I have made many friends here. I am very happy that I have recently gotten a job (at Boloco), and I enjoy it very much.
What is your favorite place to go in Concord?
When I am not studying or working at my job, I like to go to Keach Park. I can walk there and meet my friends to play soccer. It is a fun place to go.
What do you miss most about Nepal?
I miss my family members and friends that still live there. I hope they are safe. In a few years maybe I can visit them again.