City Briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell puts on his Iron Chef hat and cooks us up a delicious city memo. This week he's really outdone himself. Easter eggs, pedestrian crossing signs and, oh my God, is that sauteed kale?

weebles wobble

But don't fall down

Now that winter is officiallyover, General Services Department staff have put the pedestrian crossing signs (weebles) back on the streets as a reminder to motorists to yield to pedestrians. The weebles will remain in place through the fall, Aspell writes.

tom is the egg man

Lay that golden egg

There will be a Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt for children in grades 5-8 on April 22 at 8:15 p.m. at White Park. Those who find the golden eggs will win a prize, Aspell writes. Participants should bring a flashlight and something to collect eggs in. Participants will meet on the basketball court next to the hockey rink.

The Annual City Easter Egg Hunts, for children in grade 4 and under, will take place on April 23 at 10:30 a.m. at Keach, Merrill, Rolfe, Rollins and White Parks. Only Concord/Penacook children may participate in these egg hunts.

get a load of tom

Signs on the outs

With the arrival of warmer weather, the snow melted, and most of the ditches dried out, the Load Limit postings will be removed next week.

dewey decimal system

Library volunteers

As part of National Library Week, the Concord Public Library held a breakfast last week to honor its regular volunteers. Hosted by the Concord Public Library Friends, Aspell writes, the event celebrated a projected 2,500 volunteer hours for the period of July through June – twice as many as last year!

That's all for Chef Tom this week. Pick up the Insider again next week for another city memo, fresh from the Aspell oven.

Author: The Concord Insider

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