Live and Let Live Farm needs a truck!

I’m hoping to get the word out about Live and Let Live Farm, a nonprofit animal rescue located in Chichester. The farm provides animal protection, education and rehabilitation service for abused, neglected and abandoned animals. No animals are turned away, regardless of where they come from – ranging from southern N.H. to Canada. The farm primarily works with horses, but it also has pigs, goats, donkeys, cats and dogs.
One of the first casualties of the current economic crisis are animals. Very often, Teresa Paradise, the farm’s director, finds herself taking care of countless animals that are malnourished, starved, abused or in some other dire need of care.
The farm is in desperate need of a pickup truck so it can continue to feed and water the horses and I’m hopeful that someone would either be willing to donate their used truck or know someone who could donate theirs. We do need automatic transmission, as many of the volunteers do not know how to drive a standard. The trucks received in the past have been donated because they were unable to be repaired to pass inspection. The current truck, for example, is suffering major body and mechanical problems.
Purchasing a truck would be out of the question. The farm is run completely by Teresa and volunteers. Teresa receives no financial gain for her dedication and hard work. The cost of running the farm is steadily rising. For example, the annual cost of basic hay and grain is now over $90,000. That is simply for the basic food needs of the horses. It does not include additional expenses such as utilities, maintenance, feeding and care of the animals, rescue missions to Kentucky to save abandoned puppies and the many other operating expenses that are involved in running a farm of this size. The annual cost of running the farm is over $140,000.
The farm is also in need of donations and volunteers, since it is run entirely by donations, fundraisers, grants and volunteers. My daughter and I have been volunteering at Live and Let Live for almost a year and we find it to be extremely rewarding. We always look forward to our visits to the farm.
Please contact Teresa Paradise directly if you’d be able to help in any way. You can reach her at info@liveandletlivefarm.
org or 798-5615.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you stop by to visit! Thank you!

Donna Morin

Author: kmackenzie

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