A New Year's resolution for your kids

A common topic of conversation in January is New Year’s resolutions. Now, before you turn the page for fear of reading something you should be doing, rest assured this article is not about you. This is about your children if you are at a point in your life when you have one or more living at home. If need be, you can explain the tradition of making resolutions and then get them started by creating their first one: being in charge of collecting the household recycling.

When my children were younger, I struggled with thinking of age-appropriate chores for them to do. Recycling works for children of all ages. Older ones can rinse and compress containers as well as rescue items that might otherwise end up in the trash. Younger ones can gather paper and check the numbers on plastics to see if they can be recycled (1-6).

You might be surprised at the level of enthusiasm they develop for their new job. Many have learned about the concept at school. Knowing they are now responsible for their family’s participation in the green movement can instill a real sense of pride. They can also see tangible results from their efforts. As the recycling bin fills, it is a sign of a job well done. It becomes a challenge to see how much can be collected. You might even need to commission a second bin to hold everything.

Happy recycling in 2009!

The Recyclinator

Author: The Concord Insider

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