Ask the Elders: Favorite charities

Dear Elders, Do you have a favorite local charity, and if so, how do you support it? Signed, The Gowster

Bill Twibill
Dear G,
Being anonymous and private in supporting a charity is my way of giving. Volunteering is an additional way to support your favorite charity. Anything one can do for another is charity. It does not only mean giving dollars. Your time and talent to help others is always welcome. Think nursing homes, hospitals, shelters, food kitchens and the ASPCA. Do what you can to help or donate, and remember to try to share what you have. The smile and thank you will be a fine reward.

Roioli Schweiker
Dear Gowster,
I look for charities that I know something about, and that don’t spend a large percentage of money on overhead. Some spend well over 50 percent. We contribute to the Salvation Army, Women to the World (they help women in the Third World set up cottage industries) and local Concord groups.

Steve Leavenworth
Dear Gowster,
Yes I have a favorite charity: the Humane Society. I would like to volunteer time at the shelter, but I am really afraid that I would take them all home. I think that we take home pets, enjoy them and raise them to be completely dependent upon us, and then desert them. Some of the reasons are good, some bad, but we ultimately have created an animal that cannot live without our input, and we should not abandon them to a terrible fate, loneliness and starvation. I donate as much as I can regularly and have donated canned food on occasion. I have told my wife that if she goes before I do, our house will become a pleasure castle for cats with shelves to climb on, cubby-holes and empty boxes galore.

Jan Stickler
Dear Gowster,
Yes, I do, and it is the Salvation Army. I support it mainly through donations to its various appeals. The Salvation Army helps local people who find themselves in dire need of food, clothing, shelter, a safe haven. The need is great. One just has to look around this city. The Salvation Army stands as a beacon of hope for many, but there are still many more waiting.
If you are looking for a charity to support, I hope you consider the Salvation Army.

Casper Kranenburg
Dear Gowster:
You could have expected this comeback: Some of my favorite charities are not just local, and as your question is so literal and precise pertaining to setting, I am unable to answer it.

Author: The Concord Insider

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