The NHTI Stage Lynx Drama Club presents “Psycho Beach Party,” an outrageous spoof of 1960s beach party movies crossed with a bit of Alfred Hitchcock-style psychological horror on April 24 and 25 at 7 p.m. and April 26 at 4 p.m. The show will be staged in NHTI's Sweeney Auditorium. Admission is by donation (a $5 donation is suggested).
Written by Charles Busch, this play with music tells the story of Chicklet, a perky 15-year-old with dreams of becoming a surfer. Unfortunately she has an annoying multiple-personality disorder that shocks the Malibu community, but catches the interest of the surfers' king.
Characters include Chicklet's nerdy, intellectual best friend, Berdine; a runaway movie star; two surfer boys with a secret; Chicklet's “Mommie Dearest” mom; a man-trapping high school vamp and the psychology-student-turned-surfer, Star Cat, who ultimately cures the dream-tossed surfer girl of her mental demons. Hilarious lines, outrageous costumes and shocking (PG-13) surprises fill every scene in this crazy spoof. Grab your surfboard and get ready to laugh!