Prepare for a whitewash, nogoodniks!

Melissa Moscaritolo said she’d peg President Obama.
Melissa Moscaritolo said she’d peg President Obama.
Tabitha Tobey, owner of Kustom Kups, said she’d hit her husband, “just out of the game of it because I can never seem to get him.” Sorry, Dad, but 10-month-old Yazzy didn’t put up much resistance.
Tabitha Tobey, owner of Kustom Kups, said she’d hit her husband, “just out of the game of it because I can never seem to get him.” Sorry, Dad, but 10-month-old Yazzy didn’t put up much resistance.
Even politicians would still prefer to hit politicians. Paul Hodes didn’t hold back in calling out Eric Cantor, the Republican majority leader.
Even politicians would still prefer to hit politicians. Paul Hodes didn’t hold back in calling out Eric Cantor, the Republican majority leader.
Colleen Audet of the Eagle Square Deli was multi-tasking – whipping up a delicious sandwich as she answered – but would try to nail her ex-boss.
Colleen Audet of the Eagle Square Deli was multi-tasking – whipping up a delicious sandwich as she answered – but would try to nail her ex-boss.
Carl Rousseau put his crosshairs on the weatherman for delivering such a surprise.
Carl Rousseau put his crosshairs on the weatherman for delivering such a surprise.
Meredith Gonzales, owner of Your Home, Your World, would hunt down Rush Limbaugh.
Meredith Gonzales, owner of Your Home, Your World, would hunt down Rush Limbaugh.
Kristy Ammann, owner of Butter’s, said she’d aim for her brother, who constantly brags about the weather he enjoys in balmy L.A.
Kristy Ammann, owner of Butter’s, said she’d aim for her brother, who constantly brags about the weather he enjoys in balmy L.A.
Michael Cohen of Pitchfork Records would like to fire toward his ex-landlord.
Michael Cohen of Pitchfork Records would like to fire toward his ex-landlord.
T.J. George said he’d toss a fastball toward President Obama, while Jaime Butler would take aim at John Sununu. Sadie didn’t have an answer – she just wanted to be in the picture.
T.J. George said he’d toss a fastball toward President Obama, while Jaime Butler would take aim at John Sununu. Sadie didn’t have an answer – she just wanted to be in the picture.
Laura Miller, owner of Imagination Village, said she’d toss a snowball at Herman Cain.
Laura Miller, owner of Imagination Village, said she’d toss a snowball at Herman Cain.

The Insider asked Concordians whom they’d like to hit with a snowball

Author: Keith Testa

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