The Buntin-Rumford-Webster Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has announced the selection of six high school seniors from Concord area high schools who have been honored for good citizenship. These six students are:
- Elise E. Berry (Pittsfield Middle High School)
- Trevor P. Abel (Bow High School)
- Avery G. Sahr (Bishop Brady High School)
- Abigail J. Ciarametaro (Merrimack Valley High School)
- Jennifer Noni (Coe-Brown Northwood Academy)
- Ashlie L. Klawes (Pembroke Academy)
These high school students are honored for their qualities of good character: dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. One chapter winner will be selected for consideration in the statewide Good Citizenship Scholarship selection.
On March 7, the New Hampshire State Organization, Daughters of the American Revolution, will honor all the chapter “Good Citizens” at an awards banquet at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. At the luncheon, the DAR will present a New Hampshire scholarship winner.