Dotty Holcomb Doherty’s photography exhibit, “Photosynthesis: Portraits of the Wild,” will run Feb. 15–March 15 at Two Villages Art Society, 846 Main Street, Hopkinton, N.H. An opening reception with the artist is scheduled for Feb. 15, noon–2 p.m. Doherty will also give a gallery talk on Sunday, March 2, at 1 p.m. The exhibit features more than 60 photographs of birds and mammals in their natural habitats, from New E n g l a nd ’s Great Blue Heron to Africa’s hornbills and Au s t r a l i a’s wattlebirds. Doherty, a wildlife photographer based in Hopkinton, has traveled extensively to capture her subjects in unique and precise ways. Visit w w w. t wov i l l a ge s fo r details. Admission is free.