Local preservation and history enthusiasts gather

A group of Concord residents will host an informal networking gathering on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Kimball Jenkins Mansion to celebrate local historic preservation successes, connect with others, and share ideas for future activities and events. The gathering will include remarks about recent rehabilitation projects and ongoing initiatives at the historic estate, as well as preservation activity in the surrounding neighborhood. The meet-up comes after a similar gathering in October.

These events aim to offer insight into the long, diverse history of creative preservation activity in Concord by individuals, developers, civic groups, and local and state governments.

“We’re proud of our rehabilitated mills, reuse of the City Water Works, rescue of the Rolfe Barn in Penacook, recent stabilization of the last-of-its-kind Gasholder, and all the care that people put into caring for our terrific housing stock, Main Street buildings, and much more,” said Liz Durfee Hengen, preservation consultant and long-time city commission and committee member for design and preservation issues.

“There are so many inspirational examples of rehabbed and reused buildings, and terrific positive momentum to build upon, as we consider future preservation challenges and ways to also position them for success.”

Kimball Jenkins is a community cultural center located in downtown Concord, NH. The 3-acre campus is a historic estate with public gardens, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The organization is celebrating 40 years of creating strong relationships within the local community through art, history, and culture.

The snow date for the event will be Tuesday, Feb. 18.

Author: The Concord Insider

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