Meet the co-owner of Social Club Creamery

Sarah Glaude named Concord’s Young Professional of the Month

Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to the “Young Professional of the Month,” Sarah Glaude. Each month, the CYPN Steering Committee recommends an individual in the community it thinks readers would enjoy getting to know better.

Where do you live?
Laconia, NH.

Where do you currently work?
As the Human Resources Manager for Mason + Rich, P.A. and the co-owner of Social Club Creamery in Laconia and Concord, I am deeply passionate about fostering both internal and external connections. My love for working with people is at the heart of my enthusiasm for HR, and I bring this passion to every aspect of my professional and personal life. This dual perspective—working full-time in a business while also owning one—gives me a unique insight that I believe adds value to my role as an Ambassador for the Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN).

What is being a CYPN Ambassador all about?
In my role as a CYPN Ambassador, my primary responsibility is to create a welcoming environment at our events, particularly for new attendees. We strive to make everyone feel included and connected, fostering a sense of community that extends beyond the events themselves. Our work goes beyond just hosting events; we actively promote community engagement, particularly within the downtown Concord area.

Why is the Greater Concord area important to you?
My connection to Concord is personal as well as professional—I lived downtown for two years, a period that I look back on fondly. Concord perfectly balances vibrancy and intimacy, where you can enjoy a bustling community and form meaningful connections. As a business owner in Concord, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with other local business owners, forming a network that strengthens our downtown community. My work at Mason + Rich has further expanded my professional network, allowing me to build relationships through organizations like CYPN, Intown Concord, and Riverbend Community Mental Health. These connections are incredibly valuable to me, not just in a professional sense, but personally as well. I believe in the power of community and am committed to contributing to the growth and well-being of Concord.

What’s your favorite place to go in Concord?
Grabbing a coffee from Brother’s Cortado or Revelstoke and enjoying it on the Capitol lawn is a simple pleasure I cherish and miss.

What’s your favorite memory in Concord?
A memorable summer evening in 2021 perfectly encapsulates why I love this city. My husband and I had a craving for sushi and decided to head to Main Street, ultimately finding ourselves at the Concord Food Co-op. As we walked through the beautiful, sunlit streets, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for living in such a vibrant, welcoming place. This sense of connection—to the people, the places, and the community—is what drives me every day.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord?
Revival Kitchen & Bar is a personal favorite for its farm-to-table cuisine, and I love the rotating menu that keeps things fresh.

What is one of your life goals?
While Concord holds a special place in my heart, I also have a love for travel, particularly to Europe—Greece, Italy, and France.

What do you like to do for fun?
Beyond my professional and community roles, I am always seeking new ways to challenge myself and grow. Recently, I’ve taken up running and am currently training for a half marathon. I love being outdoors, whether I’m kayaking or just enjoying a sunny day with my husband or friends. I’m also a fan of escape rooms, true crime podcasts, and reading—activities that engage my mind and keep me curious.

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefitted your business or you personally?
I discovered CYPN through Mason + Rich, as our firm is actively engaged with the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce. Being part of CYPN has greatly expanded my network of connections, providing invaluable opportunities to hone my networking skills. It has enabled collaborations and lasting friendships.

What other organizations are you involved with?
This year, I set a goal to be more active in the community, and I’m proud to say I’ve made significant strides. In addition to my role as a CYPN Ambassador, I joined the board of Intown Concord, where I am chairing the Halloween Howl Committee. I also joined the board of Riverbend Community Mental Health, where I advocate for mental health awareness and support services, and work to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. Additionally, I am an active member of the Human Resources Association of Greater Concord, where I contribute to the marketing committee.

Who is your greatest role model?
My journey has been greatly influenced by the leadership of my two directors at Mason + Rich, Leslie Walker and Andrew Luce. Leslie’s courage, respect, and tenacity have made her a role model for me, and I admire the strong community relationships she has built. Andrew’s thoughtful and methodical approach to projects, along with his focus on goal-setting, has taught me the importance of calm and strategic thinking. Both have inspired me to strive for these qualities in my own personal and professional life.

CYPN has a full lineup of fall events! Don’t miss Scoop ‘N Shop Night at Social Club Creamery and Homebody on Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 5:30-7 p.m. Mark your calendar for Election Essentials—a voter information event—on Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 5:30-7 p.m. at The Barley House. And sign up for our biggest event of the year, Neighborhood Nonprofit Night, which is happening on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Bank of NH Stage! Learn more and sign up for all CYPN events at


Author: The Concord Insider

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