Kait Gallagher has made giving back her career

Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to the “Young Professional of the Month,” Kait Gallagher. Each month, the CYPN Steering Committee recommends individual in the community it thinks readers would enjoy getting to know better.

How old are you? 34.

Where do you live? Concord, NH.

Where do you currently work? Concord Coalition to End Homelessness, as the Director of Development & Communications.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do for us to use in our social media highlights: I grew up in Amherst, New Hampshire and went to Skidmore College in upstate New York, thinking I’d pursue a career in museum work, designing exhibits and researching artifacts. Life took me in a different direction though, and I ended up working in financial services, primarily in marketing and business development, for nine years in the Boston area and then here in Concord. I moved to Concord with my husband in late 2019, excited to settle here and plant roots. COVID made getting out and enjoying Concord a bit tricky, but it also gave me time to think more deeply about my career and how I wanted to spend my time and talents. Giving back and doing something that has a positive impact on my community is important to me, and so I decided to turn my volunteer work into my career. I joined the Coalition as a staff member in November of 2021, and I haven’t looked back! Making the leap from the for-profit world to the non-profit world was jarring, but I am so fulfilled knowing the work I do has a direct and positive impact on the people around me and on the greater Concord community.

Why do you choose to live in the Greater Concord area? I love how Concord has all you could possibly need or want! Downtown is great, and Concord itself is convenient to everything NH has to offer. The people here are amazing, and I love how engaged people are with the city and what’s happening here.

What is something you would like to see added or brought to Concord? More housing of all types! But especially affordable housing for moderate and low-income earners.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? Revival Kitchen & Bar.

What do you like to do for fun? When I’m not working, I’m probably spending time outside with my dogs on a hike, or reading a solacious novel about fantastical beasts and happily-ever-afters, or I’m at the barn with my horse. I also have an informal side-hustle as an artist, creating custom pet portraits in soft pastels (krgallagherartworks.com). I also draw for pleasure when I can find the time! My husband and I are also volunteer Puppy Raisers for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, so you might see me out and about with our current puppy on program in their training vest, working on one day becoming a guide dog for someone who is blind or visually impaired (guidingeyes.org).

Last book you’ve read? The Red Rising Saga, by Pierce Brown. (I listened to it on Audiobook via Graphic Audio; it’s amazing, and makes a 15.5 hour drive go by very quickly!)

What is one of your life goals? Achieve a United States Dressage Federation Bronze Medal with my horse Zarcão.

If you could visit any country, where would you go? New Zealand.

Where is the best place you’ve visited? Scotland or South Africa. They are very different from each other but I loved them both!

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself! I’m ambidextrous (left-handed for writing, eating, fine motor skills, right-handed for everything else); yes, my hair is naturally curly and I get asked that A LOT; I’ve been cage diving with Great White Sharks in “Shark Alley” off the coast of South Africa and it was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had (I would do it again in a heartbeat!); I am a serial plant killer but not by choice; I have multiple tattoos and am planning more (it’s not an addiction, I swear!);

I met the actor Kit Harington (Jon Snow in Game of Thrones) in 2008 when he was the lead in the play War Horse on the West End of London. He was a guest speaker at a class I took my freshman year of college; according to family legend, my great-grandparents on my father’s side may have been involved with the mafia in New York….

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefitted your business or you personally? I can’t remember how I found out about CYPN, but I’ve loved being a part of the vibrant and engaged young professional community. I’ve made a lot of friends through CYPN and I really enjoy the monthly events.

Learn more and sign up for all CYPN events at concordnhchamber.com.

Author: The Concord Insider

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