CYPN: Molly Lunn Owen amplifies young voices in NH


Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to the “Young Professional of the Month,” Molly Lunn Owen. Each month, the CYPN Steering Committee recommends a young professional in the community it thinks readers would enjoy getting to know better.


Molly Lunn Owen

How old are you? 33.

Where do you live? Manchester—but the Concord side!

Where do you currently work? I serve as Executive Director of 603 Forward and The Forward Foundation, based in Concord and statewide. My work aims to help working-age Granite Staters participate in democracy to build a state where young people and families can thrive. I focus on fundraising, strategy, and creating the conditions for our team to be creative in—for example, illuminating wonky policy with catchy Instagram reels and training sessions. If you’re reading this, you know how incredible a state New Hampshire is to call home. But last year a New York Times analysis ranked us last in the nation for the “cost of voting”—the effort required to cast a ballot. My work aims to change that by making it easier for young people to vote and to share our stories for a stronger, more just future.

Why do you choose to live in the Greater Concord area? I met my husband while he was stationed at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and we settled in Manchester for proximity to work, small liveable cities, and New Hampshire’s world-class recreation. Where else could I layer work clothes under my ski gear and take a few runs before staff meeting?!

What’s your favorite memory in Concord? The relief and power I felt walking down the State House steps after speaking at my first public hearing. I was so nervous to testify before a room of elected leaders, but the strength I felt in sharing my story has propelled my current work and my goal to make government and policy more accessible. Last year, five years after I left that hearing, my team at 603 Forward helped over 2,000 Granite Staters share their own personal stories with elected leaders!

When you were younger, what was your first job in Concord? I first worked in Concord with Granite United Way. I managed fundraising in Merrimack County and the Lakes Region, and I’m still proud that CYPN members and their workplaces were among our best supporters.

What’s your favorite part of your work day? I love speaking with community members about the liveability crisis facing New Hampshire’s working-age people, and how they can partner with us to take on this crisis. I also love learning from my team, which is currently made up of 100% women, people of color and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community. As a new mom, however, nothing beats that moment I hug my daughter after a long workday!

What do you like to do for fun? Anything outside. My second daughter was born in February this year, and we’ve been recovering and bonding on easy hikes in the Capital region. I look forward to strapping my girls into their bike trailer when the little one is older.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? Angelina’s, except I can never get in! Splendid Sushi for a great quiet counter lunch. Brothers Cortado or Revelstoke to always see someone I know. Washington Street Café for a lovely walk and even better baklava.

What’s your favorite place to go in Concord? The state house lawn; I love how the home of our citizen legislature is open and welcoming to everyone from presidential candidates to farmers market shoppers to my toddler, who loves running in circles while covered in New Hampshire Doughnut Co. frosting.

Join CYPN and MYP (Manchester Young Professionals) on Wednesday, June 21 for a night of networking and friendly competition at Block Party Social in Hooksett! Block Party Social features a state of the art, multi-story laser tag arena, challenging ropes course and zipline experience, the latest arcade games, climbing walls, and more. Sign up for all CYPN events at

Author: Insider Staff

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