Deadlines for tax exemptions, dog licenses


City meetings are held in person in Council Chambers at 37 Green Street (unless otherwise specified on the City’s calendar). Upcoming meetings include:

Zoning Board of Adjustment: April 5, 6 p.m.

City Council: April 10, 7 p.m.

Planning Board: April 19, 7 p.m.

Visit for City Council and Planning Board agendas, which are posted prior to the meetings. View the City calendar for more meetings and events.

Tax Exempt Properties Deadline

Per RSA 72:23-c, every religious, educational, and charitable organization who wish to claim property tax exemption shall annually, on or before April 15, file BTLA form A-9 “List of Real Estate and Personal Property on which Exemption is claimed” with the Assessing Office.

The properties must be owned, used, and occupied by the organization directly for which they are established, provided that none of the income thereof is used for any other purpose than the purpose for which they are established.

In addition, every charitable organization or society must also annually file a BTLA form A-12 “Charitable Organization Financial Statement” along with financial documents by June 1.

If you are unsure whether your organization would qualify for an exemption, please review RSA 72:23.

Failure to timely file the documents may result in property taxation for the 2023 tax year.

Personal Exemptions & Credits

City of Concord/Penacook property owners are reminded that the applications for the elderly, blind, and solar exemptions and the updated veteran credits are due April 15. Applications and exemption/credit information can be found in the Assessing Office, on the City website at, or you may call (603) 225-8550 or email to request that the application(s) be emailed or mailed to you.

The most important concern at this time is getting the application either in the mail by April 15 or submitted in person by April 15. We encourage you to provide any and all documentation on or before the deadline. However, if a specific document has not been received to date, it can be provided after the deadline as long as a timely application has been filed with the Assessing Office. If we determine additional information is needed, we will reach out to you directly via a letter.

On March 13, 2023, City Council met and voted to change the elderly exemption income and asset amounts for the 2023 tax year.

Changes are as follows:

The net income for single applicants of not more than $39,000

The net income for married applicants of not more than $55,300

The asset limit, not including your primary residence if it is a single family, of not more than $100,000 for both single and married applicants

Dog Licenses

State of New Hampshire RSA 466:1 requires that every owner or keeper of a dog four months of age or older license said dog in the municipal clerk’s office in the city or town in which the dog is kept. Licenses are effective from May 1 to April 30 of the subsequent year.

In accordance with RSA 466:1, the City Clerk’s Office has begun the annual dog licensing season. Historically, the annual dog license renewal process begins each April, with residents vying for tag #1. In honor of that tradition, staff has reserved tag #’s 1 – 299, and will begin issuing those numbers on Monday, April 3.

In the meantime, residents not vying for low tag numbers can either renew said license(s) online, in person, or by mailing payments to the City Clerk’s Office, 41 Green Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301.

Licenses may only be issued if current rabies information is on file. If you are unsure as to whether or not current rabies information is on file for your dog(s) feel free to contact the City Clerk’s Office by email at or by phone at (603) 225-8500.

Author: Insider Staff

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