David Djamen (left) and Joachim Bosa play soccer on a sandlot at Keach Park at the Multicultural Festival on Sunday afternoon, September 17, 2021.
Who is available to answer questions?
The Welcome Tent at the Festival entrance will be staffed at all times with knowledgeable volunteers to answer your questions. Festival staff and other volunteers will be wearing clearly marked white t-shirts.
When and where is the festival being held?
Sunday, Sept. 18, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Keach Park, 14 Canterbury Road, Concord, (behind the Citywide Community Center).
Where can I park?
The main parking for the Concord Multicultural Festival is at the parking lot at 70 Pembroke Road (formerly Community Bridges). Festival parking is free! Please adhere to the following parking restrictions: The parking lot in front of the Community Center, 14 Canterbury Road, is reserved for people with mobility challenges. A handicap placard or license plate is required to park in the accessible parking spots. If you do not have a license plate or placard but have mobility issues, please contact the festival. The parking lot at Newton Avenue is reserved for vendors and emergency vehicles only. (Note: Newton Ave will be closed to all non-resident traffic.) Please do not park on the streets surrounding the park. This includes: Newton Ave., Canterbury Road, Exchange Ave., and Pembroke Road. This ensures emergency vehicles and residents have access.
Is there an admission fee for the festival?
Admission is free! You can enjoy performances and demonstrations free of charge. Please Note: Individual vendors charge for food, art, and other products.
What is the rain date?
The Multicultural Festival will take place on Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022, rain or shine. There is no rain date.
Can I get to the festival using public transportation?
Unfortunately, there is no public transportation on the weekends.
Is everything at the festival family-friendly?
Yes! We welcome attendees of all ages. Most activities and performances will delight children and adults alike. There is a small playground adjacent to the park that children of all ages are welcome to use. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while at the festival.
Where can I see a schedule of events and a diagram of where all of the vendors and events will be?
A final event schedule and assigned vendor spaces will be posted a few days prior to the festival on concordnhmulticulturalfestival.org and social media.
Are bathrooms available?
Portable toilets, including wheelchair-accessible toilets, will be available in the park.
Can I bring a backpack or cooler?
Yes. However, for the comfort and safety of all attendees, we discourage large bags and backpacks because there are many people in attendance, and it can get crowded, especially in the food vendor area. There are no facilities available to store large bags or backpacks during the festival. According to NH State law, no alcoholic beverages are allowed.
Can I bring my dog?
Trained service animals are welcome in all parts of the festival. Leashed, well-behaved pet dogs are allowed, but please consider leaving them at home so as not to interfere with service dogs. Owners of aggressive, uncontrolled, or unleashed pets will be asked to remove their pets from the festival grounds for the safety and comfort of all attendees. For your pet’s safety and comfort, please do not leave your pet in your car while you attend the festival.
I have specific dietary needs (vegan, gluten-free, halal, etc.). Will there be food options for me?
Cultures around the world are represented in our food tents, and many offerings are likely to meet most common dietary requirements. Full ingredient information will be available for each dish. If you have specific concerns or questions, please email connect@concordnhmulticulturalfestival.org or stop by the Welcome Tent at the event. Please Note: Food sold at the festival may be prepared in kitchens that also handle common allergens, including nuts, dairy, seafood, gluten, and eggs. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any food sold at the festival is free from allergens.
How much does the food cost?
We have designed our offerings in a “tasting menu” format so that you can sample many different dishes if you wish. Most dishes will be $3 to $5.
What forms of payment are accepted at the festival?
We will be using a voucher system for food vendors again this year. Vouchers can be purchased with cash only. Purchase vouchers at one of the Voucher Tents, which are marked with green balloons. Vouchers will be in $1 and $5 increments, and have the same value as cash. Food items will be priced to correspond with voucher values. Food vendors will not accept payment in cash or credit cards. They can only accept vouchers. For more information about the voucher system, please visit concordnhmulticulturalfestival.org/food-vendors. Non-food vendors (craft vendors etc.) will accept cash; some may accept credit cards.
Can I bring my own food, such as a cooler, picnic basket, or beverages?
Yes. While we hope you will enjoy our diverse food offerings, you may bring your own food and beverages into the park and surrounding public areas. Please Note: According to N.H. State law, alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in public areas, including all areas of the festival.
Will there be picnic tables available?
Keach Park has a limited number of picnic tables available. You are welcome to bring your own lawn chair or picnic blanket.
Is there seating available?
Some seating will be available near the performance stage. You are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, picnic blanket, or other portable seat. Please note: No facilities are available to store personal chairs or other seating during the festival.
Will there be water available?
Yes. A free water cooler is available at the Welcome Tent to fill water bottles. Branded water bottles also will be available for purchase at the Welcome Tent. Water Bottles are $5 each, and funds go to support the Festival. Other beverages will be available for purchase at the Welcome Tent. Please note: There are no water fountains in the park.
Will there be handwashing stations available?
Yes. Handwashing stations will be located near the food vendors. Hand sanitizer will be available at the Welcome Tent and in other areas throughout the park. You are welcome to bring your own hand sanitizer, gloves, and/or cleansing wipes. Please dispose of wipes and gloves in the trash cans provided.
Is there a place to nurse a baby or change a diaper?
You are welcome to nurse or change a diaper in any area of the park. For the health and safety of our vendors and guests, we ask that you not change diapers on picnic tables, in areas near the food vendors, or where people are eating. Please dispose of all diapers, wipes, and other hygiene products in the trash cans provided. Individuals who do not properly dispose of these items will be asked to leave the festival grounds.
Are there any shaded or air-conditioned areas in the park?
There are a few trees in the park that provide some shade, but most of the park will be in full sun for most of the day. There are no indoor or air-conditioned areas at the festival.
Will the festival be very loud or crowded? Are there any sensory-friendly areas?
We anticipate a large crowd at the festival, and there will be many performances with music, bright colors, and movement. However, there are many areas within a short walk where you can get away from crowds or noise, if needed.
Will there be sign language interpreters at the festival?
ASL interpretation will be available for events on the performance stage. Interpreters will not be available at all vendor booths, but each food vendor will have a written menu available. Please inquire at the Welcome Tent if you need ASL interpretation.
Is the park accessible to those with mobility limitations?
Wheelchair-accessible parking is available in front of the Concord Community Center at 14 Canterbury Road. Keach Park is a large grassy area with hard-packed soil. Wheelchairs and scooters are typically able to navigate without issue, but there may be areas of uneven ground in some parts of the park. Vendor booths will be far enough apart to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility aids. Fully accessible portable toilets will be available in the park.