Overcomers Refugee Services is presenting New Hampshire’s first Umuganda on June 25 at Keach Park in Concord. Overcomers works to unite all cultures, foster mutual respect and understanding, and build a stronger community for all. Since many of the New Americans in the Concord community are from Rwanda, Overcomers is putting on Umuganda, an event with deep roots in Rwandan culture.
This participatory event will be open to the public and will feature:
Painting a community mural: The mural will serve as a beautifying gift to the Concord community, as well as a representation of the many new cultures who have made Concord their home.
Planting a Pollinator Garden: The pollinator garden will be a healthy contribution to our environment, and the youth from Project S.T.O.R.Y. will learn a lot as they maintain the garden once it’s planted.
Pitch in: There will be plenty of cleanup and beautification efforts to benefit the park and the area.
Food and more: There will be cultural music, ethnic foods and fun activities for all.