CYPN: Network member talks work, life, inspiration

Marilia Procopio
Marilia Procopio

Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to the “Young Professional of the Month,” Marilia Procopio. Each month, the CYPN Steering Committee recommends a young professional in the community it thinks readers would enjoy getting to know better.

Marilia Procopio

Where do you live? Manchester, I am originally from Connecticut.

How old are you? 32.

Where do you currently work? I am a property manager at Elm Grove Companies. I manage 105 luxury apartments located at 6 North Apartments in Manchester. I am also a single mom of a 12-year-old daughter.

What’s your favorite part of your workday? My favorite part of any given day is being able to approve prospective residents. People typically move when a big change has happened in their life — getting into or out of a relationship, welcoming in a family member or downsizing. I pride myself in being there and making this big transition a more enjoyable experience.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? My all-time favorite place to eat in Concord is the Crust & Crumb bakery. I have quite the sweet tooth, and their lemon bars are unmatched!

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefited your business or you personally? I was first introduced to CYPN by my Friend, Kaleigh, about four years ago. Since then, I have become part of the Steering Committee, met some lifelong friends and great business associates!

What organizations are you involved with? I am currently the ambassador coordinator on the CYPN Steering Committee. I am the events and education chair for the Apartment Association of New Hampshire. I run the culture committee for Elm Grove Companies as well as co-head the yearly golf tournament. I also frequently volunteer at The Friendly Kitchen and Families in Transition.

What do you like to do for fun? I love to travel, hike or go camping with my friends. In the summer you can always find me out in the sun.

Where’s your favorite place to go in Concord? Penumbra! I’m obsessed with plants, and they have the best selection around, with the kindest staff.

What’s a cause that you are passionate about? I’m a huge advocate for women’s rights. I attend marches and rallies whenever I can!

What’s the last book you’ve read? The last book I read was Let Love Have the Last Word by Common. The book explores how love and mindfulness can build communities and allow you to take better control of your life through actions and words. I highly recommend it!

Who would you really like to meet? Michelle Obama! She has always been so inspiring to me. She accomplished so much in her life (on her own), all before becoming the first First Lady of color in the White House.

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself! I love to travel. I have been to four countries and tons of different states. I will go almost anywhere the sun and beach is, especially during the cold New England winters!

If you could visit any country, where would you go? Brazil!

What has been your favorite CYPN event so far? My favorite CYPN event was HRKNSScowork’s grand opening. We had an amazing turnout. The delicious food and drinks were sponsored by O Steaks & Seafood, and people had the chance to get their headshot photo updated by the very talented Charlene Graham.


Join the online CYPN community! CYPN Connects is an active Facebook group for young professionals in the Greater Concord Region. Group members post about fun things to do in the area, new restaurants, volunteer opportunities, community events and more. You can learn more about this group and request to join by visiting CYPN. Email to sign up for CYPN email updates.

Author: Insider Staff

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