Christmas Jazz
“The Jazz of Christmas – God with Us,” will be the theme of this Sunday’s Jazz Sanctuary in the sanctuary of Concord’s First Congregational Church (177 N. Main St.). The “unbelievable belief” that, thanks to Christmas, God dwells with us will be at the center of the music and conversation as Vocalist and Pastor Emilia Halstead is joined by the Jazz Sanctuary House Band of Joey Placenti on saxes and flute, Jock Irvine on bass, Ed Raczka on drums, and Tim Wildman on piano. Admission is free and wherever you are, and because of who you are, on life’s journey, you are welcome here! Bring some friends!
Concert canceled
Handel’s Messiah will not be performed as part of the 2021 Walker season. We look forward to 2022 with hope and optimism.
Walker series broadcast
Pianist Frederick Moyer celebrates the holiday season and Beethoven’s birthday (Dec. 16, 1770.) Joining Moyer will be bassist Peter Tillotson and drummer Jim Gwin.
The winter concert will include Bach (arranged by Myra Hess) “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”; Beethoven “Waldstein” Sonata (complete); Bartok Rumanian Christmas Carols Jazz arrangements of “Let It Snow”, “The Christmas Song”, “Borukh Ate, Zingt Der Tate” (Hannukah song), “Christmas is Coming” and other selections.
ConcordTV will broadcast the concert throughout December every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m., every Wednesday night at 11 p.m., every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m., and every Saturday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. You can also watch anytime at v=14nJuZHb9u0.
For more information, visit