Welcome to the Finger & Wood Recovery and Rehabilitation Clinic, dedicated to serving the physical, spiritual, and mental health of those unfortunate individuals who have lost their superpowers.
The facility is on high alert. There is a highly reliable threat leveled against the clinic, reducing the staff to a minimum of four highly trained professionals. It is likely that the threat is aimed at one of the residents: Nemi, formerly the human avatar of Nemesis, the God of Vengeance and Retribution; The Reflection, who travels through the mirror dimension; The Agent, who used his invisibility powers to steal for the highest bidder; or the mysterious new client due to arrive at any moment. Tension is high, nerves are on edge, and the food just isn’t as good as usual.
Phylloxera Productions, producers of crowd-pleasers like “Holmes and Watson” and “Invasion From Mars,” returns with a family-friendly adventure filled with humor, drama, music, and romance. Join eight of the region’s finest actors as they create a new superhero universe on the Hatbox stage. “Wonders” is an original play written and directed by Gary Locke. And because we are opening on Halloween weekend, cosplayers are welcome!
“Wonders” runs through Nov. 7. For this show, special Saturday matinees have been added. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sundays at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $22 for adults, $19 for members, seniors and students and $16 for senior members. Tickets may be reserved by calling 603-715-2315 or purchased online at hatboxnh.com.
Hatbox Theatre will continue to observe CDC guidance for social distancing and mask wearing by all staff and audience members.