The city manager’s office sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The full newsletter can be found by going to and clicking the “Newsletter” button. Here are some highlights:
CPL Zine
The staff at Concord Public Library are thinking of you. We made this zine to reflect the strength of our community in challenging times. You can view it here: It contains recipes, activities, staff recommendations, and more.
Parks and Recreation
The staff at the Concord Parks and Recreation Department have been working hard to update our summer plans to make sure we can offer the safest facilities and best programming possible. We are following the Governor’s 2.0 updates and working with City Administration to begin reopening and offering services.
Please continue to follow social distancing while using our parks and open spaces, and continue to carry in and carry out your trash as maintenance staffing levels have been reduced. Also please note that all playgrounds remain closed at this time.
Summer will look different however we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.
Due to COVID-19 some of our summer events have been affected:
We have canceled the two Nevers Band Concerts scheduled in June.
We have canceled the City’s annual July 4 fireworks celebration.
The Good News:
Our skate board park has re-opened (for groups of 10 or less)
Starting on Monday, June 1, outdoor sports practices can begin. Groups of 10 or less (including coaches). Leagues will need to schedule time on fields.
Tennis courts and basketball courts remain open for groups of 10 or less.
We are working with our partners to offer “drive in” concerts in July and August.
Please visit our web site, and social media sites for updates on our summer season.
Hydrant flushing
Hydrant flushing will continue for several weeks in different areas of the city. Concord water customers should view the tentative flushing schedules below to determine when flushing is scheduled to occur in their area. Customers should remember to avoid doing laundry during their flushing time and to run their tap on cold to flush the lines if discoloration occurs. Schedules are subject to change. Please visit to find updated information and verify scheduled flushing times as the season progresses.
June 3: Broadway to Bow St., Stone St. to Nivelle St., Franklin St., Auburn St. side streets, Rumhill, Pleasant View, Kensington Road, Pleasant Street to Woodman St., Borough Road, River Road, Millstream Lane
June 4: South Street from Abbott Downing School to Iron Works Road and side streets, Centre St. to Dwinell Drive and side streets, Primrose St., Lilac St., Tower Circle
June 5: South St. from Rockingham Road to Bow line and side streets, private flushings
June 8: Commercial St., Constitution Ave., Portsmouth St., Eastman St., Locke Road, East Side Drive south of I-95 to Loudon Road, roads west of Portsmouth Street, private flushing
June 9: Shawmut St., Oak Hill Road and side streets, Dominique Drive, Profile Ave., Hampshire Drive, Hampton St., East Sugar Ball Road, Windham Drive, Pelham Drive, private flushing
June 10: East Ridge Estates, Cemetery St., Shaker Road, Old Loudon Road, Woodcrest Heights, Chesterfield, Pine Acres, Wedgewood Drive, private flushing
June 11: Mountain Green Country Club Lane, Foxcross, Oakmont, Checkerberry Lane, Eastman Ave., Partridge Road, Redwing Lane, Robin Road, Cardinal Road, private flushing
June 12: East Side Drive, Mountain Road, private flushing
Utility and state work next week
Liberty Utilities may be working at the following locations next week:
South State St. (21 to 69) including side streets (Wall, Fayette, Thompson, Monroe, Concord, and Laurel).
Midway Paving will be in miscellaneous spots doing sidewalk repair for the gas service trenches.
Midway paving will be installing new gas main on Perley St. from S. State St. to Main St.
There may be delays, one lane traffic, possible road closures, and encumbrances of parking spaces. Work will generally take place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday through Friday).
The State of N.H. will be installing new steam lines on School Street. Work for this week includes the following:
School St. (Green St. to N. State St.): the sidewalk (on the North side) and parking spaces will be closed for steam pipe installation. Pedestrian traffic will be detoured.
School St, at the Intersection of N. State, the State of New Hampshire will continue installing new steam lines across N. State. There will be traffic disruptions, detours, lane closures and possible closures. Please avoid this intersection if possible.
School St. from N. State to Main St., the State of New Hampshire will be installing new steam lines. They will be taking parking, closing the sidewalk on the north side of School St. and causing traffic disruptions.
State of New Hampshire will be milling and paving on Park St.(N. State to Green St) and Green St.(Park St. to School St.)
City assessment and surveys
The Assessing Department is conducting a city-wide reassessment to value properties at market value as of April 1, 2020. Last week, the department began sending out letters and surveys to commercial and industrial property owners. There are two surveys this year. One survey, which is sent yearly, requests information regarding the income and expenses pertaining to the real estate for the past year.
The second survey has been added due to the impact of COVID-19. The questionnaire asks about what changes may have or have occurred over the months of March – June 2020. The questions ask about rental payments, tenant openings or closings, modifications to mortgage payments and funds received from state and/or federal programs. Our hope is to gain a better understanding of what the impacts of COVID-19 are at this point in time.
These surveys will assist the Assessing Department by gathering information to determine a baseline of values prior to COVID-19 and what changes have been experienced due to COVID-19 thru June 2020. We hope that property owners who were sent the questionnaires will complete them and return to the Assessing Department by June 24. The information gathered is kept confidential and is not shared or made available to the public. Property owners’ cooperation will be pivotal in assisting the department in setting values for April 1, 2020.
If property owners have any questions regarding these surveys, they can call 603-225-8550 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. or email
FY21 proposed budget
The proposed FY21 budget is available online at Archive.aspx?ADID=5027. This web page also includes links to the Finance Committee’s budget schedule.