Staying at home and social distancing is a good time to look for those things we often see, but don’t always observe. So, while you’re out in your neighborhood taking a walk to enjoy the spring sunshine, here’s something of a scavenger hunt.
What can you find close to home? Give it a good study and have a little fun.
A tree that grows fruit
A blue truck
A four-leaf clover
A basketball hoop
A birding singing out
A flower that is white, one that is red, one that is orange, one that is yellow, one that is blue, and one that is purple.
A stick like a “Y”
A white picket fence
10 fire hydrants
A four-legged friend
A construction vehicle
A picnic table
A teddy bear wave
A yellow house
A United States flag
A bug that can fly
A swing
Three types of traffic signs
An acorn
A Little Free Library
A very flat rock
A house number that matches your age
A statue of a person
A bicycle
A spider’s web
Sidewalk artwork