For the second time in two years the “King Of Pubs” pool series came back to Concord in support of the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth’s the David’s House. Players from the tri-state area converged on the Pit Road Lounge on Loudon Road for a the three-day event concluding the series. Pool players compete in different pubs and taverns for 15 weeks adding up points and shows and winning cash and prizes throughout the series. There are two sessions each year, one in the fall and one in the winter. At the end of each session, there is a finals championship where players come to win more than $ 7,000 in cash and prizes. During that 15 weeks, a portion of the players entry fee is set aside for the David House. Players have been becoming more and more excited about the fact that they know they are playing a game they love but that it is also for a good cause. Since the event was started about 10 years ago it has raised more than $30,000 for the David’s House. This season’s series raised $803, plus additional donations made the day of the finals.
The event was started by Ron Boucher, after back in 1999, while bringing his daughter, who had leukemia to CHaD, had spent one night sleeping in his car and was later told by a nurse that there was a place where families could stay and it wouldn’t cost the immediate family anything. This place was called the David’s House. Since then and a few years later he began running some pool and foosball tournaments and would give a portion of the proceeds to the David’s House. This eventually turned into what is now called the King of Pubs pool series. It is a weekend filled with several different events from Scotch Doubles to the big event, Singles Qualifiers, and a whole lot of great prizes from their sponsors like Narragansett, Jameson, Twisted Tea, Stroudwater Distilleries, Dunkin Donuts and Viking Cues.