H20 helping heal with others
H20 helping heal with others, a bereavement program for children (ages 6 to 18) and their families, is Saturday, Jan. 11, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Concord, 55 Bradley St., in Concord. H20 is held on the second Saturday of each month at the same time. Grief is difficult. Connecting with others who have had a similar experience, in a safe and caring environment, often helps. H20 provides bereaved children and their families with coping skills and peer support, enabling them to experience and process their grief freely. Lunch is provided after each session. Accompanying adults may be asked to stay on site and are invited to participate in a concurrent, supportive program. H20 is collaboratively offered by Concord Hospital, Concord Regional VNA, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Concord, and community partners and volunteers. Registration is required. To register, please call 224-4093 or (800) 924-8620, ext. 2828.
Andrew Morse
This month at the Discovery Center
The Discovery Center is open to the public from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, plus the first Friday night of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Looking ahead, don’t forget to plan your visit to the Center for February break! We will be open every day for February vacation from Feb. 14 to March 1 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
January’s planetarium show line-up covers flight, humanity’s first steps on the moon, the planets, stars, constellations and the future of space travel: Take Flight at 11 a.m., CapCom Go! at noon, Life Under the Artic Sky at 1 p.m., Tonight’s Sky at 2:00 p.m., and Back to the Moon for Good at 3 p.m. every day.
Do you have a little one who loves the Frozen movies? Make sure to see Life Under the Artic Sky, playing every day we are open starting Jan. 10 at 1 p.m. The Frozen movies took inspiration from the Sami people. Producers even signed a contract with Sami representatives to commit themselves to portraying their culture respectfully. See how the Sami culture influenced many aspects of Frozen in Life Under the Arctic Sky!
On Tuesday, Jan. 14, join us for a night that will be nothing but fun and games! This 21-plus after hour’s event allows adults to be a kid again and explore the Discovery Center, see a planetarium show, and play lots of games set up around the Center. Everything from board games to Bingo. And let’s not forget prizes!
On Thursday, a special homeschool workshop: Living in Space, will look into the International Space Station and the decades spent learning how to live and work in space. What obstacles and opportunities have helped us understand how to be more efficient and better prepared for what space has to offer? Email snappo@starhop.com to sign up in advance.
For more information, visit starhop.com.
Jayme Simões
Dying to Talk Cafe
Concord Regional VNA offers Dying to Talk Café on Monday, Jan. 13, from 2 to 3 p.m. at Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., in Concord. Dying to Talk is a death café with a local twist. Participants can breathe life into conversations about dying. Join us for conversations about life and death that are educational and thought provoking sprinkled with moments of laughter and joy. Underwriting is generously provided by Dignity Memorial. There is no fee to attend. Refreshments are provided. Registration is not required.
Andrew Morse
Economic Forecast Forum
On Thursday, Jan. 9, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce invites members and the public to a luncheon forum that will share an overview of how the past year’s events and policies are predicted to impact both the state and national economy. Guest speaker Jeffrey Fuhrer, executive vice president and senior policy advisor at Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, brings outstanding expertise. Attendees will gain in-depth knowledge on the future of business recruitment, international commerce, workforce opportunity and more. The forum will be held at the Holiday Inn, 172 N. Main St., Concord. RSVP to emarsh@concord-nhchamber.com.
Emily Marsh
Men’s Coffee Hour
Concord Regional VNA is offering Men’s Coffee Hour on Thursday, Jan. 9 and Thursday, Jan. 23 from 9 to 10 a.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church, 79 Clinton St., in Concord. Men’s Coffee Hour is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the same time. Men’s Coffee Hour is an informal meeting to connect with other men who are grieving the loss of a spouse. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and struggles with grief and share ideas for coping with loss. Registration is not required.
Andrew Morse