United Way Day of Caring participants Mark Lambert (left),  Bryan Westover, Casey Borden and Benjamin Beato work on a putting potting soil for a garden for next spring at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Service on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Each year, the Granite United Way spreads volunteers around the community to help with projects and sponsors. This year leaders and empolyees of local businesses went to Havenwood Heritage Heights, Merrimack County Day Care, Canterbury Shaker Village and Live and Let Live Farm in Chichester. GEOFF FORESTER

United Way Day of Caring participants Mark Lambert (left), Bryan Westover, Casey Borden and Benjamin Beato work on a putting potting soil for a garden for next spring at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Service on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Each year, the Granite United Way spreads volunteers around the community to help with projects and sponsors. This year leaders and empolyees of local businesses went to Havenwood Heritage Heights, Merrimack County Day Care, Canterbury Shaker Village and Live and Let Live Farm in Chichester. GEOFF FORESTER

United Way Day of Caring participants Mark Lambert (left), Bryan Westover, Casey Borden and Benjamin Beato work on a putting potting soil for a garden for next spring at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Service on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Each year, the Granite United Way spreads volunteers around the community to help with projects and sponsors. This year leaders and empolyees of local businesses went to Havenwood Heritage Heights, Merrimack County Day Care, Canterbury Shaker Village and Live and Let Live Farm in Chichester. GEOFF FORESTER

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