Tom and Kathy Gray of Penacook took a road – and ferry – trip to Cartwright, Labrador, in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador in mid-July. This is nearly the easternmost chunk of land on the North American continent, and it isn’t your typical summer vacation destination – temperatures were in the 50s all week, Tom Gray said. Nonetheless, they couldn’t make a journey like that without taking a trusty Insider copy with them on their trip that included three days of travel each way. That’s some serious dedication! Thanks for bringing us along, Grays!
Are you going somewhere exotic, or just plain cool? If so, take a copy of your favorite Insider issue with you and have a picture taken of you and/or your group holding the paper in front of something picturesque. Send your photos to (or drop them off in person at the office, 1 Monitor Drive, as Tom Gray did) and we’ll run them in the order in which they’re received.