City Manager’s Newsletter: Snow updates, water main repaired and more

The city of Concord’s public information officer, Stefanie Breton, sent out the City Manager’s Newsletter last Friday. The newsletter contained too much information for us to fit into this spot, so we’re just printing some highlights here. For the full newsletter, go to and click the “Newsletter” button on the home page.

Snow updates, reminders

Although Concord didn’t receive the predicted 12 to 20 inches of snow last weekend, Concord General Services crews did perform continuous plowing and road treatment during the storm. Watch Concord General Services’ new Winter Operations Video on the city’s website to learn more about the city’s snow removal.

Thank you to all residents who parked their car off-street to help plows more efficiently remove snow and clear the roads. As a reminder, residents should keep hydrants, sidewalks and streets clear of snow and ice.

Section 5-1-15 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, titled Snow Obstruction on Streets, states: “No person shall put or place or cause to be put or placed any snow or ice upon the surface of the traveled portion of any street, nor shall such snow or ice be put or placed on a street so as to block sidewalks and hydrants. Where snow or ice is pushed across the traveled surface of a street for the purpose of snow removal from land adjoining said street it must be pushed from the traveled way so as not to block the street, and any remaining on the surface of the traveled portion of the street shall be cleaned up.” Residents are prohibited from obstructing city streets, sidewalks or hydrants with snow and should not place snow into the public right of way.

It’s important to keep streets and sidewalks clear for the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Hydrants must be kept clear for easy access in case of an emergency. We thank you for your cooperation in consideration of public safety. Learn more about the city’s winter operation policies and sign up for parking ban alerts at

South State Street water leak fixed

Concord General Services responded to a water leak last Thursday on South State Street near Monroe Street. The source of the leak was discovered to be a faulty valve joint on a 6-inch service line connected from the water main to a nearby hydrant.

The valve was dated back to 1902 and has now been replaced. The 14-inch cast-iron water main, also dated to 1902, was cement lined in 1996 to extend the life of the pipe, which was an infrastructure investment that appears to be functioning as intended since the water main was not affected by the leak. Water service was restored to the 14 customers affected on Monroe Street around 8 a.m. and restored to the remaining 33 customers in the area around 3 p.m. Thursday after repairs were completed.

A temporary gravel trench was placed overnight Thursday until crews were able to return Friday to place temporary pavement for the winter. A final pavement patch will be completed in the spring or summer. We thank the community for their patience as crews worked as quickly and efficiently as possible to complete repairs.

Winter activities at Beaver Meadow

Our golf simulators have been running nonstop. Our Winter Sim League is in full swing with 63 teams competing for the top spot each week! With our weeknights being filled up with league players, it has been great to see the morning tee times filling up fast as well.

Our head PGA professional, Phil Davis, has been busy with our Free Lesson Fridays. You pay for the simulator fee, and he’ll get your swing ready for spring! Call the pro shop to reserve your spot.

The Beaver Meadow Pond has been busy with skaters of all levels. The pond crew was out in full force keeping the surface clear and ready to skate. The crew has been doing a fantastic job grooming the trails for daily use and we hope they will reopen again soon.

The New England Bill Koch Youth Ski League is now in their third week meeting here. It’s great to see the local youth skiers getting out and enjoying our facilities!

Lastly, we have been hosting an area Pub Dart League. On Saturday, Jan. 19, we hosted our first dart tournament. The turnout was awesome! Our Chet Wheeler room was packed with dartboards and players from all around.

There’s plenty to do at The Beav – come see for yourself! Please stay tuned for more updates on the conditions.

Stefanie Breton

Author: Insider Staff

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