The Rotary Club of Concord is pleased to sponsor the Improbable Players’ theatrical production of End of the Line at the Concord High School auditorium, 170 Warren St., on Wednesday, Dec. 5. This one-day-only performance, which deals with drug addiction and recovery, will be seen by students at the high school during the 11:15 a.m. performance, and is open to the community at large for the 7 p.m. show at no charge.
Improbable Players are people who have made real, positive change in their lives – all of the actors are in long-term recovery. Their message: “If you identify with our stories, ask for help. We didn’t do it alone, and you don’t need to either.” Each year, they perform for thousands of people in audiences at hundreds of middle and high schools, colleges, conferences and community events.
Today, prescription drug abuse threatens families in New Hampshire and across the country with no regard for income, education or age. The Players stepped up to take action to help fight the epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse sweeping the country, with the development of End of the Line.
Improbable Players actors interviewed young adults who were once addicted to drugs and are now clean and sober. They asked them how they got started using, what happened to them when they used, why they decided to stop, and what life is like now. New actors were recruited who had those experiences. Their stories are transformed into an exciting theater experience with the goal of inspiring people to think twice before experimenting – the consequences of using drugs are dark and devastating, but the rewards of not using are huge.
Doris Ballard