Well, what can we say? Another year, another bewildering, wacky and entertaining display of trees and wreaths at the Bektash Shrine Center's Feztival of the Trees.  This year's Feztival features 106 trees -- only a fraction of which are pictured here. JON BODELL / Insider staff

Well, what can we say? Another year, another bewildering, wacky and entertaining display of trees and wreaths at the Bektash Shrine Center’s Feztival of the Trees. This year’s Feztival features 106 trees — only a fraction of which are pictured here. JON BODELL / Insider staff

Well, what can we say? Another year, another bewildering, wacky and entertaining display of trees and wreaths at the Bektash Shrine Center’s Feztival of the Trees. This year’s Feztival features 106 trees — only a fraction of which are pictured here. JON BODELL / Insider staff

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