After a long construction process, work has finally wrapped up on North Main Street. No more trucks, slabs of bricks and pavers, crews of (friendly) construction workers or open ditches. No more one-way traffic on the main road, either, which is nice. But really it was worth it cause the whole thing looks nice, so kudos to the city and Severino Trucking for doing such a fine job. Also, kudos to everyone else who showed patience during the whole project. Top left: Look at that nice new crosswalk made of pavers. Top right: That’s a new light post, with a new tree behind it, sitting in a new planting bed, and there are new benches behind that. Impressive! Bottom right: Okay, so maybe the construction crews didn’t put up this awesome sign, but it is totally worth showing you anyway. Nice watch, Eli! Maybe it will help you with clock management? Bottom left: One of the bumpouts on the sidewalk provides some granite blocks to sit on, a now-leafless tree to gaze at and some receptacles to throw your trash or recyclables in. Not bad.TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

One of the bumpouts on the sidewalk provides some granite blocks to sit on, a now-leafless tree to gaze at and some receptacles to throw your trash or recyclables in. Not bad.
(TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)

After a long construction process, work has finally wrapped up on North Main Street. No more trucks, slabs of bricks and pavers, crews of (friendly) construction workers or open ditches. No more one-way traffic on the main road, either, which is nice. But really it was worth it cause the whole thing looks nice, so kudos to the city and Severino Trucking for doing such a fine job. Also, kudos to everyone else who showed patience during the whole project. Top left: Look at that nice new crosswalk made of pavers. Top right: That’s a new light post, with a new tree behind it, sitting in a new planting bed, and there are new benches behind that. Impressive! Bottom right: Okay, so maybe the construction crews didn’t put up this awesome sign, but it is totally worth showing you anyway. Nice watch, Eli! Maybe it will help you with clock management? Bottom left: One of the bumpouts on the sidewalk provides some granite blocks to sit on, a now-leafless tree to gaze at and some receptacles to throw your trash or recyclables in. Not bad.TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff

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