CYPN: Erin Schaick wants to cage dive with sharks

CourtesyErin Schaick is the Concord Young Professionals Network Young Professional of the Month for August.
CourtesyErin Schaick is the Concord Young Professionals Network Young Professional of the Month for August.

The Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce’s Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) introduces you to another “Young Professional of the Month,” Erin Schaick.

How old are you? 26

Where do you live? Manchester

Where do you currently work? I’m the development and marketing assistant for CATCH Neighborhood Housing in Concord.

Where did you go to school? I studied communication and minored in religion and nonprofit management at Ripon College, about 25 minutes away from where I grew up in Oshkosh, Wis. (Yes, where Oshkosh B’Gosh is from).

What do you like to do for fun? Explore! I’m still a newbie to the Northeast, so I enjoy taking day trips in and around New Hampshire, visiting breweries, finding the best donuts, reading a book on a new beach, wandering NYC or discovering historic places in Boston.

Last book you’ve read? Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler.

How did you find out about CYPN and how has it benefited your business or you personally? A former coworker told me about CYPN. I was hesitant to go by myself at first. Finally, I made myself go to an event at NHPR, met some really cool people, toured the studio and got hooked. I love getting to know young professionals in Concord, whether it’s other people who work in housing, nonprofits, or small businesses I’ve never heard of. And making connections with people who might be buying a house soon, or know someone looking for an apartment — CATCH creates affordable, workforce housing throughout Merrimack County and provides home buyer education and counseling through HOMEteam. Attending CYPN events is also a great way to learn about what’s happening in Concord and meet who’s helping the city thrive.

What organizations are you involved with? I am a food blogger for Stay Work Play! If you have a favorite New Hampshire restaurant or any food/drink related topics, send your suggestions my way. I’m also involved in my church in Nashua; I love singing in the choir, and I am the CROP End Hunger Walk coordinator for my congregation.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Concord? Live Juice.

Favorite movie of all time? Away We Go.

What is one of your life goals? Travel everywhere! But more realistically, to visit all the major league baseball stadiums in the U.S.

What has been your favorite CYPN event so far? I loved the event at Mill Brook Gallery & Sculpture Garden! It was such a unique location, the weather was amazing, and everyone I met was so enthusiastic and friendly.

If you could visit any country, where would you go? I actually debate this with myself on a regular basis. I’d either go to South Africa to visit Seal Island and cage dive with sharks, or the Amalfi Coast of Italy.

Where is the best place you’ve visited? In the U.S.: Nantucket. Abroad: China.

Who would you really like to meet? Lin-Manuel Miranda and Malala Yousafzai.

Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself! I love music, cooking, thrift shopping, buying too many books and watching sports. I ended up in New Hampshire because I wanted an adventure away from home. Miraculously, I found all the state’s covered bridges (54!) but got my car stuck in the snow in the process. Pro tip: wait until spring.

The Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) is a professional and personal development initiative of the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce. CYPN is a vibrant program that has grown to 2,000 members and promotes networking opportunities for young professionals (generally 22-40s) by helping them make connections in the community and providing them with a professional, casual and non-intimidating setting. Free networking/enrichment events are held on the third Wednesday of every month at various Concord venues. For more info, visit and “Like” us on Facebook at

Author: Insider Staff

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