By Insider Staff - Mar 29, 2016 |

It was kind of a crazy week for weather around here last week. There was sun, rain, a little snow, some ice. All par for the course in New Hampshire in late March. Anyway, Instagram user @stephenwaynefumio opted to take his camera out during one of the nice days, and it paid off in the form of this nice, flowery shot of the State House. There are always plenty of State House photos on Instagram every week, but this one stood out due to its interesting perspective and the framing of the dome by the lilacs. Nice shot! (Courtesy)
It was kind of a crazy week for weather around here last week. There was sun, rain, a little snow, some ice. All par for the course in New Hampshire in late March. Anyway, Instagram user @stephenwaynefumio opted to take his camera out during one of the nice days, and it paid off in the form of this nice, flowery shot of the State House. There are always plenty of State House photos on Instagram every week, but this one stood out due to its interesting perspective and the framing of the dome by the lilacs. Nice shot!
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