There’s a lot of good times happening in the 21C program

And if you don’t believe us, check out all the fun these Concord students are having – in picture form

The high school yoga program at 21C is quite popular. And as you can see, they do all kinds of poses and movements – stuff we likely wouldn’t be able to do. It’s pretty technical stuff. (TIM GOODWIN/ Insider staff) -
The high school yoga program at 21C is quite popular. And as you can see, they do all kinds of poses and movements – stuff we likely wouldn’t be able to do. It’s pretty technical stuff. (TIM GOODWIN/ Insider staff)
Yoga sure is a nice stress reliever for these Concord High students. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Yoga sure is a nice stress reliever for these Concord High students. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
They get to make real live wood airplanes at Rundlett. Supposedly they go pretty far. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
They get to make real live wood airplanes at Rundlett. Supposedly they go pretty far. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Freshman Rebecca Bosa sketches out her painting project before even touching a brush. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Freshman Rebecca Bosa sketches out her painting project before even touching a brush. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
A perfect match – cookie bars and painting. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
A perfect match – cookie bars and painting. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Sophomore Sapana Darjee gets going on a painting in Canvas and Cookies. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Sophomore Sapana Darjee gets going on a painting in Canvas and Cookies. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Look at all those choices. No wonder hundreds of kids have taken part in the 21C programming this year. Do you think we’re too old to sign up for it? (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Look at all those choices. No wonder hundreds of kids have taken part in the 21C programming this year. Do you think we’re too old to sign up for it? (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
That sure is a lot of Legos. No wonder these Mill Brook students have so much fun building whatever it is they’re asked to build during Lego City that day. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
That sure is a lot of Legos. No wonder these Mill Brook students have so much fun building whatever it is they’re asked to build during Lego City that day. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Suyog Nepal is thinking long and hard about what he wants to add to his Lego creation. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Suyog Nepal is thinking long and hard about what he wants to add to his Lego creation. (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Legos! (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff) -
Legos! (TIM GOODWIN / Insider staff)
Yeah, that’s right, you can play Frisbee as a high schooler. (JON BODELL / Insider staff) -
Yeah, that’s right, you can play Frisbee as a high schooler. (JON BODELL / Insider staff)
Jeff Estabrook (right) and Alex Hagin double team Kevin Nguyen as Nguyen looks for a passing lane. Talk about some lock-down defense. (JON BODELL / Insider staff) -
Jeff Estabrook (right) and Alex Hagin double team Kevin Nguyen as Nguyen looks for a passing lane. Talk about some lock-down defense. (JON BODELL / Insider staff)

If you haven’t noticed yet, this issue is kind of a guide to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers in the Concord School District. For the most part, it’s a collection of after school activities geared toward helping students grow academically, socially and of course, in the fun department. And while we understand the importance of academics and stress the notion of staying in school, kids doing homework, working on computer projects and getting extra help don’t really make for exciting pictures. But don’t worry, as you can see, there’s still plenty of stuff in the program that make for some fun shots.

Author: The Concord Insider

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