NHTI staffers need your vote to earn top spot in photo contest


There’s nothing quite like some good ol’ fashioned friendly competition among co-workers. Especially when the winner of said competition earns bragging rights around the office for the foreseeable future. So when we happened upon a collection of photos taken by NHTI staffers in the school’s library with the word contest associated with it, we had to take some pictures. Nine members of the NHTI staff, Steve Ambra, John Dennett, Sarah Hebert, Carol Nelson, Matthew Potter, Ben Serard, Joyce Verdone, Sheila Walker and Anne Wirkkala, each entered a photo in the contest, and it’s up to visitors to the library to decide which one’s the best. There are no names next to the photos, just numbers, to keep it fair and not a popularity contest. We’ve all recently seen what can happen when that takes place.

Author: The Concord Insider

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