Here it is: The ‘Young Love Part 2’ video you’ve all been waiting for


If you’ve been an Insider fan long enough, you might remember a cool Valentine’s Day-inspired video taken with a group of 12 third-graders at the Kimball-Walker School five years ago.

It was done so long ago that neither of the Insiders who shot the video have worked at the paper for more than two years and the elementary school isn’t even open anymore.

But that didn’t stop us from doing our best to re-create the heartwarming and outright hilarious video. We caught up with the nine remaining students still in the district, who are now eighth-graders at Rundlett Middle School, last week.

We wanted to see how their answers to questions about what love is, who they love, a good gift to give for Valentine’s Day and if they’ll ever get married have changed over the last five years. We also threw in a couple hard-hitting ones of our own just to put our own stamp on it. We have good ideas too, you know.

So after many technical problems (some of which went ultimately unsolved), we finally have our video ready for you. We’re sorry for not having it up sooner – our video editing skills aren’t quite “professional grade” just yet, but we’re working on it.

Anyway, above is the new video. The old one is below. My how things have changed!

Thanks again to all the students and staff members who helped us put this together. It was a blast.


Author: Jon Bodell

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