21C is hosting a summer art camp, open to Concord School District students entering grades 5-9.
There are four, week-long camps to be held at Rundlett Middle School (Room 511), from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Week I, Art as Inspiration, will be held June 22-26, where students will explore poetry through art and art through poetry.
Week, Art through Action, will be June 29-July 3, where students will build puppets and bring them to life in your own theater.
Week III, Art for Communication, will run from July 6-10, and students will experiment with personal expression through visual art.
Week IV, Art to Build Community, is July 13-17, and students will work as a team to design and paint colossal canvases.
For questions, contact Sue Farrelly at 225-0800 ext. 6123 or email farrelly@concordnhschools.net.