By The Concord Insider - Apr 7, 2015 |

This isn’t a photo from that time we woke up at a wildlife preserve after a particularly crazy Saturday night and just hung out there for a couple of weeks. Is it? That’s all a little foggy. We’re pretty sure this is a picture from Instagram user @boudreaujr, who said he pulled over to capture this barred owl on Hutchins Street right here in our fair city. Great snap, @boudreaujr!
This isn’t a photo from that time we woke up at a wildlife preserve after a particularly crazy Saturday night and just hung out there for a couple of weeks. Is it? That’s all a little foggy. We’re pretty sure this is a picture from Instagram user @boudreaujr, who said he pulled over to capture this barred owl on Hutchins Street right here in our fair city. Great snap, @boudreaujr!
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