Fact: It’s really freaking cold outside right now. Other fact: there’s a lot of frozen precipitation lying around. Result of those facts: iciciles! Thus concludes this morning’s Insider science lesson. There will be no homework.
That’s a lie, actually! There is homework: we think icicles are pretty cool, so long as you are not standing underneath them when they fall, and we want to see pictures of Concord’s coolest icicles. We mentioned this last week, but you were probably locked in your bathroom closet rocking back and forth and saying make it stop because of the snow. Now that you’re out, grab a camera and get snappin.’ Keith did, and that picture above is a monster icicle formation in the Merrimack Plaza on Fort Eddy Road. Send your pictures to news@theconcordinsider.com and we’ll run a gallery of the best ones in the paper. Thanks, y’all.