Since it’s the only darn thoroughfare free of ice and snow these days, we figured we’d take an extra long trip down memory lane this week with some photos of Cinema 93, which used to reside on Loudon Road in the strip where the Post Office currently stands, courtesy of Kurt and Barry Steelman. The shot above was taken during the theater’s first year of operation in 1967 and features the concession staff, which really wanted you to purchase a Butterfinger. The shot above right is circa 1982, with announced showings at 7 and 9 p.m. of The Man Who Skied Down Everest. The theater was initially a “circuit theater,” Barry Steelman said, until the 1970s, when he purchased it and ran it until it closed in 1998. Steelman, you may know, is now the programming specialist at Red River Theatres. No word on whether he plans on reviving the concession dresses at an upcoming show.